28//The Ballroom Pt.2

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Thump! Thump! Thump!

It is anyone's guess on who's heart is beating so loudly that it rivals the music in the back. Time seemed to have froze when the two hybrids made eye contact as their bodies sway around eachother.

Warm hands held tightly onto the other's waist, gentle as ever, and started caressing softly. The action felt like they were handling something precious and soft, something that is worth giving it with utmost care.

My little hopper...

Taehyung continued leading his bunny into their little waltz, his hands are firm as he twirls their bodies into a spin. Movements were precise and practiced, yet his eyes never strayed away from the younger's.

All he could see is a beautiful tint of cherry color on his Consort's cheeks, looking shy and timid, yet never broke away from their eye contact.

His body screams for him to lean closer and bask in the warmth that surrounded this pretty hybrid of his, to just ignore everything else and focus on the one thing who made him feel everything.

"My King..."

He managed to refrain himself and instead let his ears focus on his Consort's angelic voice, relaxing his form entirely. Taehyung let out a gentle smile as his eyes looked through a pair of doe ones.

"Hello, little hopper" the tiger moved his hand to hold onto the other's and gave the younger a small twirl before their bodies meet each other again.

Jungkook only stared as he focuses on how the older guides both their bodies in such smooth and precise way, as if they danced for years to the point their form memorized the other. Even though this is their very first dance.

Not wanting to get distracted at this realization, he went back to his usual behavior towards his King. Being an annoying flirt.

With a smirk, Jungkook leaned forward and played with the tiger's buttons, whispering softly.

"So... you come here often?"

Taehyung snorted, his shoulders shaking as he tries to not let laughter escape his mouth while his bunny grins smugly at his reaction.

"The pretty bunny is so bold on making advances to this King" the said blonde grinned down and started dusting off invisible particles on his King's suit before twirling his fingers on his chest seductively.

"Would your Majesty dare risk it? He can have this bunny as much as he likes"

Adding more effect, Jungkook wrapped his hands around the other's neck, further pushing their bodies together.

White ears's twitched at the words and action, still unused to the teasing manner from the hybrid he grew quite attached to. The older needed a minute to regain his bearings before responding to the now smirking bunny.

"If it's Jungkook... a risk will be a common word for me"

A small smile spread on the younger's face, soon followed by a rather shy giggle, he did not expect to be so deeply affected by what his King says. The bunny could only hope for those words to be real.

In all honesty, he too, felt the same towards the white tiger. Jungkook didn't know when exactly such strong feelings started, but he is certain that only his King could let him have such emotions.

Thump! Thump! Thump!

He rested his head on his King's chest, finding reassurance on how the same sounds from his heart is on beat with the other.

"I do wish my King and I would stay like this for a while..."

"... Your wish can be granted.."

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