32// The King's Bunny

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Leather shoes echoed through the marbled hall of the castle, as clinks of heels synced with it like a harmony. The sounds were followed by hushed voices as if they're the only two people in the world, both share the same tone of affection with each other.

One of them was filled with worry while the other tries to reassure them with a fond chuckle. The younger's arm is linked with their lover, grip firm on making sure they wouldn't fall.

"My bunny, it is only my shoulder that is injured.. not my legs"

The deeper voice of the two didn't hold any hint of annoyance, only amusement at his lover's babbling. He only received an adorable glare and a huff from him.

"Who knows what could happen to you in such a vulnerable state! You still need protection, my King!"

"Alright, my little bodyguard"

A delighted smile appeared on the bunny's lips, further enhancing his pretty features. Oh the poor King wanted to melt at that smile. It was truly dangerous to everyone's heart, especially his.

You couldn't blame Taehyung for having the urge to give his lover a peck and giving into those said urges.

He was rewarded with a happy squeak from his Jungkook, as well as him reciprocating his action. The older nuzzled his forehead against the other before leaning away to admire him.

"I still find it hard to believe it..."

"What is, my King?"

"Mate... you're my mate.. and I'm yours.."

The tiger answered in a hush tone, as if scared of being too loud that he'll wake up from a dream. Jungkook's eyes softened when he noticed how his lover is observing his face, clearly making sure that he's real.

"Well.. you have no need to worry..."

He gently placed his palm on top of the older's scent gland, where the neck and shoulder connect.

Where their marks gives them a reminder on who they are with each other.

"You have all the proof you need right here... Taehyungie"

A small content sigh left the tiger's lips as he closed his eyes to bathe in the warm touch of his mate caressing his mark. A happy purr leaving his throat when he pressed a little harder.

Jungkook chuckled at this, loving how the older seemed to melt at his gentle massage.

Sadly, their moment was cut short by loud excited footsteps getting closer and closer to the couple.

"Your Majesty! Thumper hyungie!"

Of course, it's the kids.

All the five surrounded the pair with matching high energies, but also concerns. Still high on adrenaline rush from the Ballroom party, but also concern over their Ruler's wound.

"How is your wound healing, your Majesty? Should I call on Jin hyung? Do you want some tea?"

Their dear butler, Hyuka, is already bombarding him with an almost panicky tone. It was rare to see the ever so composed deer hybrid be so shaken.

Although it is understandable on what just went through that day. Taehyung huffed out a laugh and reached out to place a comforting hand on the youngster's head.

"Relax your form, my dear butler. Your King is all well and fine, especially when I have my little guard over here"

The subject being changed to Jungkook, made all the five start buzzing back to full energy and is now crowding around the older bunny with cheers and admiration.

King's Bunny ||TaeKook||Where stories live. Discover now