Chapter 1

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The high lord of the fae kingdom, Innina, King Oberon the great who rules them all, has passed some of his kingdom duties to his most trusted son, Prince Kieran.

The relentless fae prince languishes on a throne, in his summer court. A towering lord with a perfect tan. Honey eyes with flecks of gold, a commanding presence. Habited in the finest of tunics, basking in luxury, embellishes and power. The fae prince thrives on power.

The council gathers every month. High lords/ ladies from each court along with their representatives assemble to discuss their court workings or any possible threats. This time the council gathers at the summer court of Prince Kieran, who is newly tasked with the responsibility to keep track of all the courts in the kingdom.

Adjacent to him on a mile long table, sits the high lady of winter court. His nemesis. Halfway through the meeting he notices her toying with her jeweled dagger. One thing about council meetings is that there are no weapons allowed.
A flair of anger sparks in him, he suppresses it. Turning his attention towards the meeting.

"There's been an uproar in the kingdom, as we all know.  Our fae people have been reported missing in almost all our courts. The threat is lurking in the shadows, increase the security, and double your sentries at the borders and keep it confidential" Says Aeidon, one of his trusted members.

Leaning forward hands splayed on the table. prince Kieran takes up to address the council. "We need a detailed report on all the cases regarding this issue, from every court, the investigation will be carried out by the summer court."

He leans back in his seat" From now on all courts will submit reports of their working activities to me."

There are murmurs about the sudden change but noone dares to object. The prince's eyes are fixed on the one who remains unbothered.

"As my court remains unbreached, do pardon me. " Says the high lady of winter court, standing up ready to leave the un-dismissed council, beckoning her second-in-command Croia

"Lady Demetria Esmeray, Sit. Down. I will not tolerate such arrogance." Prince Kieran commands, eyes locked on her. He senses her reluctance against him. It infuriates him.

"I've heard what I had to, I have important work to tend to, my court activities will be sent to summer court before morning" She curtly replies then adds "my lord." Standing firmly by her place.

My reason is that I was feeling it.
"I have not dismissed you, yet." He says, rising from his seat "Is this undermining threat none of your concern?" The fae prince asks "Being a high lady comes with responsibilities and duties, if you don't already know." He adds sardonically.

"This threat is none of my concern as long as my people are safe. Being the high lady I've done a much better job than any other lords who failed to protect their courts." She says with an arched brow "My court is safe while your lands are breached, my lord."

His eyes darken with anger.

A heavy silence falls, around the council room.

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