Chapter 3

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~The Summer Court~

The prince watches from the window as the dragon flaps higher in the sky, flying farther away. He thinks of her, Demetri Esmeray, only she can dare to look him in the eye and demand for power and he'll let her.

"What is the report on the witches?" Kieran asks, flipping through the ledgers.

"The coven of Azure made themselves known, they demand a new peace treaty. They want their lands back." Aeidon says grimly.

Centuries ago, the four covens, coven of Azure, Coven of ravens, the elder flame coven and the witches of bramble. Their ancestors inhabited within these lands. The elemental magic of fae creatures and the power of coven, eventually led to tension between the two races. Each trying to assess their dominance over the other, which certainly didn't end well.

After the peace treaty signed between the two races, they left their lands to the fae in return of channeling magic through lands

"If the coven of Azure is here, the rest of the covens are not far behind. Seeing how they are proving a threat to our kin, something has to be done, soon." Aeidon adds, his brows knit together.

"There is no place for witches in the fae lands, threaten them to leave. Our kin is stronger than theirs." Prince Kieran says furiously. "This rebellion against us will not be tolerated. Hunt them down, if that's what it takes. We do not give in." the fae prince commands staring at the map pinned on the wall.

The color leaches from Aeidon's face. Hands wrapped behind his back curl into fists. He stands rigid in his place. Hunt them down, these words ricochet inside his head.

He once made a mistake, he will not do it again. His longing for her burns with such intensity, even a thought of her clenches is heart. He will find some other way. He will find her before the others do.

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