Chapter 4

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   ~ The ball night of Zehava ~

Every year, the royal ball is thrown at the Grand Zehava Palace of kingdom of Innina. A grand festive for the fae magnificently. Delicacies of every dish beautifully laid out at a never ending table, decorated with bouquets of fruits and fountains of champagne.

Hallways filled with fragrant flowers and decorated with lights, ending at the set of stairs which leads to the diaphanous ballroom with chandeliers and candles and beautiful high windows. Fae music playing at the back, live orchestra. A romantic atmosphere with everything in sight. A lavish luxurious night.

High ladies and high lords and members of fae courts eagerly wait every year to get in good graces of the high lords and to make connections. Some gather attentively to find the secret within the courts and the some to find their mates and court them.

The son of the high king, the high lord of summer court, Prince Kieran strides through the hallways looking ethereal as ever, with his half-brother Aeidon by his side. The crowd parts away for the fae princes. Fae folk bow down paying respect to the princes.

The palace of Zehava inhabits breathtaking garden, full of exotic flowers. The fae folk are lost in the lavish luxury for a day. Prince Kieran sits at the end of the bar, a goblet of fine wine in his hand. Trapped at the view on the other end. The silvery moonlight filters through the translucent drapes, caressing the lethal skin of his nemesis.

The High lady of Winter Court looks ravishing clothed in a strapless red silk gown paired with black gloves fitting snuggly against her. Her silver hair unbound reach the length of her waist. Complimented with the sharp grey eyes.

The fae men kept glancing her way, but none had the courage to walk up to the high lady. The fae prince couldn't stand the eyes of other men on her. A feeling he could not put his finger on. He looks away, after a beat of contemplating prince Kieran downs his drink before leaving the bar.

Striding her way, the fae prince offers his hand inviting her to a dance. Still managing to look arrogant as ever.

The attire of the prince made him center of attraction. Perfectly embellished velvet tunic, fit snugly against him, showing his lean muscular body. The jet black served as the dark for his turquoise eyes to shine like stars. Hair pushed back, no crown in sight and yet he holds his head high, looking down at everyone with those sultry eyes.

Lady Demetria acknowledges him, placing her hand in his. She greets him with a mock curtsy all the while her eyes never leaving his. His sly gaze entices her.

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