Chapter 7

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"This way the covens can thrive and there will be no war." She convinces. The covens are desperate and they have no choice.

"Breaking the treaty and hunting our kin is raising the flags of war. When were you even planning to reveal this ridiculous mistake of yours?" he asks.

"After convincing the other rulers of the courts." She says, biting the inside of her check. Trying to reign in her temper.

The prince smiles grimly, backing away "You think the other courts are philanthropists like you? Giving up their homes for the creatures proving a threat to them and their families.
You've saved me from trouble by inhabiting them. The order was passed to hunt them down. There will be no treaty when the covens are wiped off."

The horror of his words settles in, her blood runs cold "hunt them down?" She questions, puzzled.
"This is ridiculous and pointless explaining it to you." she says sensing his reluctance.

 "I am keeping my word. They are not some animals for anyone to hunt them down. I am protecting my court and whoever inhabits the land under my rule." The high lady says, power lacing her words. Her eyes glowing sliver, power ecstatic in her veins.

"These are my orders." He replies begrudgingly.

"And this is my rebellion." She warns.

"Darling, I'll breach your court." He tells, sardonically.

"Darling, I dare you to." She threatens, missing the feel of her jeweled dagger around her fingers.

Prince Kieran feels the rush of adrenaline in his veins. Her power seeping out momentarily brushes his skin, electrifying his nerves. 

He blinks in surprise, arching a brow  towards her slip in power around him. She curses herself inwardly for losing her balance around him.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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