Chapter 5

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"It is a pleasure, my lord." She says accepting his invite, eyes turn towards them. Moving to the middle of the room, the fae prince's arrogance is short -lived as she whispers "For you." she whispers right before he whisks her into the dance, hiding his amusement.

Prince Kieran leads the dance, their steps falling in harmony with each other. Her gloved hand clutched in his, he holds her firmly against him.

"You hold yourself in high regards, must be tiring imagining the world revolve around you." The prince remarks, falling in step with the rhythm. The high lady of winter court is tall, meeting him eyes to eye.

"It's not that hard, you see" she replies with a hint of smile.  twirling her, drawing her back against him. Closer. 

"I am." He says, his voice a deep rasp, they weave and turn in trance of the moment. Colors floating in and out of focus. In this frozen moment, it was just him and her.

Then they stopped and the music stopped and the lights burned out. The crowd held their breath in surprise.

The magnificent chandeliers in line come to live, the candles find their fire and in a wave, basking the room in warm glow. Prince Kieran grins, his eyes glowing with the power running through his veins, gold flecks dazzling in his eyes.

The music floats in delicate this time, gently drawn into the rhythm they sway together. 

"How is the winter court, are there any unusual reports?" He asks, collecting his thoughts and breaking the moment.

"There will be no unusual activities, I assure you. The winter court will remain safe." Lady Demetria replies averting her gaze. It is not the right time or place for him to find out about the rendezvous of her with the coven. The fae prince is definitely going to lose his temper when he finds out.

Her curt reply catches him off guard. "What do you mean by that?" The fae prince asks confounded by her answer, his eyebrows knit in confusion. Curious about the confidence in her words.

"What have you done, Demetria?" The fae prince whispers slowly, losing his temper.

The high lady pretends not to hear him. Swallowing hard, he shuts his eyes. He tries to reign in his temper, schooling his features.

Her impudence makes him want to strangle her, but there are eyes watching them. The symphony comes to an end, nodding in respect to him. Lady Demetria, takes her leave. Walking away feeling Prince Kieran's  eyes burning a hole at her back.

Entering one of the rooms connecting  the hallway, she lets out a deep breath, balls are tiring and she is bored. Her hands itch for her jeweled dagger, she weren't wearing any boots to strap it in. She even contemplated the idea of wearing the rough leather thigh strap that she owns, which made her look ready for a brawl.

While the fae prince stalks her down furiously, and freezes upon finding her.

Prince Kieran gets momentarily distracted watching the high lady as leans against the wall by the bureau, tugging her gloves. Revealing her honey skin inch by inch. He was captivated by her inconspicuously. She really is a vixen.

Prince Kieran looks way, getting his act together.

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