Chapter 2

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Leaning towards her, hand braced firmly against the table. Intruding her space. The fae prince's icy glare pins her in place. The room seems to gets a lot warmer than it already was.

"Your lands are safe, for now. A fae warrior that you are, protects their kin. No matter what court." The prince replies sarcastically. Today, she really is getting on his nerves.

"The other courts may not like my interferences. I'm a lady of just one court. And it's protected. Although, since my lord seems so concerned about my duties towards kingdom of Innina." She continues, twirling the blade in her hand.

Prince Kieran tilts his head in a questioning glare. "Make me the one in power to command all your courts." Lady Demetria says on a whim, just to get under his skin.

Daunting to share his power but suggesting him to court her? Her declarations perplex herself. She knows the prince too well, he the ruthless fae prince, soon to be, the high king of Kingdom of Innina, he will dismiss her notions. The power hungry man will dare not share his power.

And yet, the hand holding the dagger gets clammy.

Prince Kieran withdraws,

"The council is dismissed." Aeidon announces. But, the fae prince's eyes linger on hers for a beat longer than usual.

She steps back, the council room was emptying but the spectators were omnipresent. Demetria feels relieved, it was ridiculous of her to make such suggestions, and looks like the fae prince dismissed her notions, as he should.

Croia drapes the cape across her shoulders. Without glancing his way, they exit the council room.

"Not a word." She orders, as her second-in-command shoots a suggestive smile her way. Croia gestures mock surrender with her hands raised.

Croia's demeanor changes as they approach their ride. She stiffens, wiping the hint of smile that graced her face seconds ago. Her eyes locked on a beautiful man, who upon their arrival smiles rather scarily and with a mischievous glint in his eyes he gives a full show of shifting into a giant magnificent creature, shuffling his impressive wings, but keeping them tucked close. He shifts forward and settles making the ground rumble beneath them.

High lords/ladies, and members of other court sneak glances at them as they mount the glorious winged-beast. The dragon-shifter of winter court, Drazhan.

High in the sky they take off, to their court.

"What was all that about, Drazhan?" lady Demetria asks amusingly, as the three of them stride in the hallway of snow castle.

"Just hinting at them, at what it will be if anyone dares to mess with the high lady of winter court." The shifter replies smugly, sauntering beside Croia.

"Might as well, should have roared and spit fire, while you were at it." mutters Croia, rolling her eyes and getting a laugh out of the high lady.

"If only you whispered in the winds, I would have heard you." He replies flirtatiously, earning him an elbow at his side.

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