Out of Place

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Author's Note: Yo chicos y chicas. Itsa update time!! :D I know it's been a while. Idk, I just haven't felt like it. Well today I have been hit with a blast of inspiration so I shall write!

"What do you think we should do?" Steve asked Maria after a long moment of awkward silence. 

"Well, I certainly know what I'm going to do!" Tony stood and spun his chair around before heading towards the door. "I am going back to my couch to watch some good o'l fashioned television." When he turned again, he was standing face to face with two SHIELD agents. 

"Oh no you're not," Maria said. She made a head gesture towards Tony's chair and the two gaurds forcefully grabbed his arms and dragged him around the table.

"Ouch! Hey!" He protested. "Watch it! Precious cargo!" He grunted when he was shoved back down into the black spinning chair.

Maria rolled her eyes. "Get over yourself Tony." 

A small smile appeared on Steve's lips. Sometimes Tony deserved to be shoved back in his place, instead of being coaxed there with drinks and other forms of bribery. 

"Ok," Maria said. "We are going to split up into teams of two and find the two men and the two women." She reached for the black remote at the end of the table and pressed two buttons. The room was once again filled with light when the shades went up and the lights flickered back on. "The men will be harder to find because they pretty much look like normal people, and we didn't really get clear shots of their faces in the video. But the other two should be much easier to locate." She looked at one of the guards and gestured for him to come over. 

He handed her a stack of 6 pictures. Three of them had zoomed in photos of the two girls and the other three had zoomed in photos of the two men. 

She held one of each up so all the Avengers could see them. "Each group will get two pictures. This way, you won't ever forget what they look like. Nat and Clint, you two will be group 1." She slid two pictures over to Nat.

Nat stopped the pictures from sliding off the table with her hand and lifted them up to get a good look at them both. "Where should we start looking first?" 

"Up to you. It's a big city. Even if we divide it up between the three groups it will still take a very long time to search the whole thing. But, I do recommend you start on the street where that sandwich shop is. Might find some clues there." 

Nat nodded and handed the pictures to Clint. She stood up and waited until Clint did the same, then walked out of the room. Might as well get a head start. 

"Steve and Thor, you will be group 2. It's important that you keep a low profile while walking around, so I'm going to need you to change clothes, Thor." She slid the pictures over to Steve and watched as he picked them both up and obvserved them.

"Of course. But, where do you expect me to find clothing?" Thor asked, standing up. 

"Second floor. We had a few agents do a little shopping for you, guessing you would be back at some point. I think you should be content with what we picked up for you." 

Thor nodded gratefully and smiled. "Thank you very much." He then turned and followed Steve out the door.

"Obviously, you two are our final group." She shot a look at Tony and slid Bruce the two pictures. "Now, I wasn't going to send Tony out because he has trouble behaving well in public."

"I do not!' He shouted quickly. "I am a very well behaved man with many manners." 

Maria ignored him and simply rolled her eyes. "But, I needed to. I am sad to admit that I actually need your help. SHIELD has been running a face trace on the two girls since we cleared up the image of them from the camera. But, the other two are going to be much harder to I.D. because we don't have a full facial image. I need you two to go to the sandwich shop and try to find anything that could possibly help us identify them or whatever that black smoke was. You two know science better than anyone and would probably be best for this specific task."

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