Not From Around Here

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So I just read this awesome story by @underdarkness called Tell Me I'm Frozen and it was amazing! I recommend you all go read it! Its like a big Disney crossover story and its rediculously creative. The whole idea is something just awesome and it made me so happy! :) Yah, so I'm going to dedicate this chapter to @underdarkness (Skye) because I loved her book so much and she has inspired me to make an update!
Also, Happy Easter! :D 

(sorry this is rlly long. just lettin u know) 

Clint almost dropped his gun when he saw the 14 figures standing before him. He looked at Natasha, hoping she was just as confused as he was about what they were seeing. Maybe they were going crazy? After the things the two of them had seen at SHIELD, he would't be surprised. It was about time they went mad. It happens to everyone eventually. 

Natasha wasn't exactly sure how to react to this. What was this? But, if she was going to do anything, it had to be what was now just instinct to her. Following the SHIELD protocol. "Hey!" She shouted at the 14 men. "Drop any weapons you have and put your hands behind your head!"

Clint looked at her like she was crazy. Well, maybe because he thought she was for doing that. 

All 14 short men turned their heads sharply to face Natasha and Clint. For a good while, none of them had anything to say. But eventually, one of them did decide to speak up, which was followed by the others rallying behind him. 

"Who do ya think ya are? Telling us what to do!" The first one yelled. The top of his head was shaved completely so his weirdly designed tattoo in the top, center of his head could be seen. He had a brown and luscious beard, that you could say wrapped around to the back of his head. He seemed to be wearing some sort of armor with an excessive amount of fur on it. Many knives and daggers could be seen poking out of various places of his being. 

"Yeah!" One of the others said, nodding his head. He had longer black hair that went down a couple inches below his shoulders. His mustache and beard almost resembled Tony's stubble, except it was a bit thicker. His outfit was more blue and grey than anything else, and he had a sword strapped to his belt. 

The others all nodded and shouted in agreement as well, except for two. One of them was like the others, long blackish-brown hair, somewhat of a beard, armor, big boots, and a sword stashed away in its hilt. The other was much shorter than all of them. He had curly brown hair, not too long, not too short, a velvet coat, a green vest, a white button down shirt, greenish pants, a sword in its hilt, and oddly enough, he was wearing no shoes. 

"Enough!" The taller one that had been silent shouted loudly. Immediately, the rest of them shut up. "You have no right to give us orders! You are mere men!" 

Nat and Clint exchanged confused glances, then looked back at the man who seemed to be the leader. Nat decided it would be best just to play along. "And who do you think you are?" 

One of the other men stepped up, courageously, in front of the leader. "You know not who you speak to. This here is Thorin, son of Thrane, son of Thror, King under the mountain!" He gestured towards their leader, who had now been identified as Thorin, and smiled proudly. 

The others surrounding them all cheered loudly for their leader. Except, of course, for the one shorter one. 

"Well, I am Natasha Romanoff, Agent of SHIELD, spy, assassin, and Avenger. And this," she looked towards Clint, "Is Clint Barton, Agent of SHIELD, spy, assassin, master marksman, and Avenger. Also, just in case you haven't noticed, there aren't any mountains here in New York. So I believe that renders your king title pretty obsolete." 

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