We Have a Problem

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Author's Note: Hey guys! So some of you may remember that I had 6 chapters of this story. But, I deleted it because I was unhappy with how it was going. I really do like the idea though and want to continue with it, some things from it will just have to change. I hope those who were fans of it before will still enjoy it :) The same characters from last time will be present, just in different ways. I believe that I am the only author to attempt a fanfiction with a clash of so many fandoms, if I'm not, I swear I never had any intention of copying your ideas, I didn't even know your story existed. If there is a fandom that you would like to see appear, please comment and I will check it out! 

Thanks so much for being understanding, guys! I hope you enjoy this version of Out of Time as much as you did the last! Love you <3


"It has been three months since the battle of New York has taken place and there has been very little progress in the cleanup effort. Buildings are still in pieces and hundreds are still jobless due to this wreck." The blonde news reporter gestured towards the street behind her, showing off the rubble on the ground and the dozens of men trying to help clean up. 

"I'm here in Greenwich, where just two and a half months ago, we were attacked by an aliens of some sort. There is still no explanation as to exactly what happened, except we do know that the aliens were stopped by legend and hero, Thor, and his colleagues Jane Foster, Erik Selvig, Darcy Lewis, and Ian Boothby." The British man walked through the half destroyed area, which still had yellow caution tape sectioning it off from the rest of London. 

"The President has finally decided to double the amount of secret service agents at the White House because of the recent attempt on his life by A.I.M. The man who saved his life, Tony Stark, otherwise known as Iron Man, has had nothing to say to the press about this topic and refuses to talk to anyone." The news channel showed a clip of Tony Stark walking away from a group of Paparazzi and giving them the finger, which was blurred out.

"Since the Hydra attacks, exposing the top secret agency of SHIELD, there has been no word on what is happening with the agency. We know they are still out there, we just want to know where." The news reporter stared intimately at the camera until they cut to commercial and his glaring face was switched off the screen. 

Tony Stark switched off the TV and groaned. He tossed the remote onto his friend's lap, then proceeded to put his feet up on the coffee table. "You choose the channel, Bruce, I can't find anything good." 

Bruce Banner didn't bother to turn the TV on and just placed the remote on the couch next to him. He knew how much Tony hated those dumb news channels, constantly telling lies and making him look like a bad person, it was outrageous. He sighed and stood, flattening his button down purple shirt as he turned towards Tony. "I'm going to get something to eat. Want anything?" 

Tony shook his head and reached for his glass of scotch on the tiny side table. "Nope, I'm covered," he said, picking up the glass and sipping it. 

Bruce rolled his eyes and stepped over Tony's legs to get to the door. "You have a problem," he said glumly as he walked out.

A cocky smile appeared on Tony's face as he took another sip of his drink. "I know."

Moments later, Tony's girlfriend, Pepper Potts, walked into the room and stopped a couple feet in front of the couch. "Give me one good reason I shouldn't take that drink from you." 

"Hmm, maybe because," he paused and stood up, walking over to her so he stood less than three inches away. "You love me," he said with a smirk before scrunching up his face and shaking his head. "No, but that would be too corny." He turned away from her and walked slowly towards the couch, thinking. "How about," he said turning on his heel to face her again, "Because I don't want you to." 

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