Two Girls and Two Boys

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Author's Note: So.... :) Anyone see Frozen Fever? If you did, please comment your thoughts about it or message me bc I loved it so much :D Anyone who didn't see it, GO WATCH IT! Best 7 min and 30 seconds of your life! I promise! The Snowgies are sooooo cute and the song is just amazing!! Ok.. I'm gonna stop now b4 I fangirl too hard, enjoy the update! You know what to do after u read it <3

Thor walked alongside Steve on the sidewalk. He didn't know where they were going, but he did know what they were looking for. He felt odd in his new clothing. It was a bit tight, and the pants were kind of short, but he was still grateful that Lady Hill tried getting it  for him. His new blue shirt was very similar to the one Jane gave him when they first met. He missed Jane, he missed her a lot. He hated the fact that they- His train of thought was interrupted when he felt Steve's hand press against the left side of his chest, stopping him dead in his tracks. "What is going on?" He asked, his voice booming like usual.

"Sssh," Steve said, pressing one finger up to his lips. "I thought I saw something," he pointed inside the window of one of the shops ahead of them. "In there." 

Thor opened up his hand and summoned Mjolnir, the hammer his father gave him so many years ago. Within a minute, it was flying through the air and towards Thor's stretched out palm. 

Steve heard the wind picking up and turned around to see something flying towards them. He immediately put his hands up to cover his head and ducked. When he wasn't hit with anything, he peeked out from behind his arms and saw Thor was now holding his hammer. He sighed and stood up. "That thing scared me," he said.

"I apologize for the inconvenience," Thor said, "I assumed that I would need this though because we don't know what we may find in that tiny shop." 

Steve nodded his head once and continued to walk ahead. When he reached the door of the shop, he pressed his back up against the wall next to it and gestured for Thor to do the same. Slowly, he reached for the door handle. He was ready to take down whatever or whoever it was inside the shop. When his hand made contact with the metal, he realized it was oddly cold. Of course it wasn't necessarily a weird thing that the metal was cold, because usually metal was, but this metal should be hot, or at least warm. The sun was beating right on it and it was close to 80 degrees out. "Thor," he said, taking his hand off the handle. "Feel this." 

Thor put his hand on the door handle and furrowed his eyebrows. "This feels like ice."

Steve nodded. "I know." He shooed Thor's hand off the handle and placed his hand back on it. "I'm going to open it." 

Thor gripped Mjolnir with both hands and held the large hammer out in front of him. 

Steve attempted to pull down the handle, but it seemed to be stuck. So, he pulled harder. It did take a moment, but there was a cracking sound and the handle went down like it was suppose to. He glanced at  Thor, then pushed the door in. As the door opened, a blast of frigid cold air hit them. Steve shivered and stepped inside, Thor following close behind him.

"It feels like Jotenheim in here," he said quietly. 

"I don't know what Jotenheim is, but I certainly know what it feels like to be frozen in ice and this is very similar to that feeling." He looked up to see icicles were hanging from the ceiling, very large icicles. 

Thor looked down and saw that a thin layer of snow covered the ground. When looking around he saw the unopened boxes around them and the clothes on the racks by the window were also covered in a thin layer of the cold white powder. "Does it often snow indoors here?" He asked Steve, wondering about this strange phenomenon. 

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