Let Darkness Fall

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Yooooo so guys I've been reading a lot of stories from one author her on wattpad. She is absolutely amazing and I recommend you all go check her out! Her name is melantha123 :D her stories are great! (Especially for Jelsa shippers). Speaking of Jelsa, I might add Jack Frost and the rest of his Guardian friends into this story, not only for Jelsa, but bc Pitch would be a great addition as well. Let me know what u think of dat in the comments.

Also, the pic is a drawing that I made. So I hope ya'll like it!

And I started reading Fellowship of the Ring and I'm already in love.

Ok, enjoy!!!

"So let's go over this again," Anna said to Thorin, "You're Thorin." She pointed to Balin, "You're Balin and you're Dwalin," she said when her gaze shifted to the next dwarf in the line. She looked at the largest dwarf and thought for a moment, "Dori?"

Bomber frowned and shook his head. "No, I'm Bomber!"

Anna signed. "Darn it! Alright. Let's start again."

Quickly Dean stepped up and shook his head. "No! No! No! No more naming dwarves! This is like the 4th time already! Don't you understand how annoying it is? Besides, we should be working on a way to get out of here! "

Anna frowned and crossed her arms. "You could've said please."

Dean rolled his eyes and walked over to the door. For the fiftieth time.], he grabbed onto the handle and tried to twist it. Just like all the other times, it didn't work. They had tried everything. Picking the locks, slamming things into the windows, one of the dwarves even threw themself into the door! They were trapped in here, and it didn't look like they were getting out anytime soon.

"The man is right," Thorin said. "We were all shoved in this room with hopes of being helped and we got nothing. We were betrayed by those people!" It almost reminded him of the time when Lord Thranduil betrayed him at Erebor the day Smaug attacked. That cruel elf left him and his people to die in dragon fire.

"Don't lose hope!" Anna said cheerfully. "I'm sure the nice men will come back and do what they promised!"

"I doubt it," Dean scoffed.

Just at that moment, someone could be heard outside unlocking the door. All 18 pairs of eyes in the room turned towards the door, which slowly swung open.

Wearing her SHIELD uniform, Agent Maria Hill walked in, with the rest of the Avengers behind her. "Good afternoon, everyone," she said politely.

All except Anna stared at her angrily. They felt like prisoners, even though they shouldn't be prisoners, none of them had done anything wrong.

Anna smiled and waved at the woman. "Hello!"

Hill walked to the center of the room and watched closely as every gaze followed her. She knew they would all be eager to leave, but unfortunately, she couldn't let them do that. "I don't expect any of you to understand why you are being held here."

Dean rolled his eyes and looked at the dwarves, expecting at least one of them to make some sort of outburst. But, to his surprise, they all stayed silent.

"But I do need you to understand that here is where you are going to have to stay," she finished.

"I know you said we won't understand, but could you at least try and explain?" Anna asked, taking a step forward. If no one else would speak up, she certainly would. Though her face didn't show it, she was scared and worried. She wanted to go home to Arendelle and see Kristoff and Sven and Olaf again. She had to make sure they were alright.

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