Ch.6Homecoming ?

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"and for once she felt like Cinderella "


It was now fall me and everyone else was a bit excited for homecoming. I mean I didn't have a date or anything but I just like the idea of getting dressed up you know and having a good time. The guys were doing cute little proposals for their girlfriends & hell even the girls they just wanted to smash after that night. I highly doubt that anyone would even be bold enough to ask me but, it's okay though.

I was actually content at the moment with life I wasn't necessarily shitting roses nor hysterically crying I was chilling some may say I might of even went numb. It is what it is though , homecoming was this Saturday actually and most of the proposals were over and done with. Kayla had already gotten asked by Gerald on the beach actually , I loved his corny ass for my bestfriend.

As we all sat in the cafeteria during lunch, everyone rushed out of the cafeteria to see what was going on as a large crowd formed. I mentally rolled my eyes knowing that it was another dramatic proposal but we still followed.

As everyone pulled out their phones they also formed a circle around the dollar bills that spelled out homecoming in big letters with a question mark. Who ever this proposal was for was definitely gonna have to be on there shit for homecoming night because Lord and behold it was Raheem doing the proposal.

The now circle that we formed was now split into two leaving me in the middle ?

"Queen, will you be my homecoming date?" Raheem spoke loud enough for me to hear & for everyone to say "awwww".

Of course I just stood there in shock as he came up to me with a bouquet of red roses. "So will you?" He asked again & I simply nodded as he handed me the flowers.

"Yall she said Yes!" Raheem yelled , giving the people upstairs the cue to drop the ballons & everyone screaming awww. I couldn't help but laugh. As soon as I hugged him , everyone went there separate ways of course not before going buck wild trying to get a dollar bill .

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2015 ⏰

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