Chapter 3

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Yuna nurses the warm mug in her hand as she furrows her brows, listening to Ryujin retelling her story about her short yet memorable meeting with Yeji and the additional, unknown sensation.

At first, she has dismissed it as just another reaction from Ryujin’s obvious attraction towards Yeji but her friend kept insisting that it was something different, something unfamiliar, so she listens on and tries to find explanations for it from the vast knowledge database stored inside her brain.

“And it struck you when you shook her hand?” she asks to which Ryujin nods. “I see. To be honest, Unnie, I still think that it’s just your reaction to whatever chemistry is going on between you two. It probably felt alien because you have forgotten how it felt. It’s been nearly fifty years.”

“I might be old but I’m not senile,” says Ryujin. “I remember how it felt back then and the difference with the feeling I got today.”

“But the person is different and how you two are is different so it’s highly likely that the sensation your current situation causes is very different than from your previous experiences. Hence the unfamiliarity.”

“One,” Ryujin lifts her right index finger, “I don’t like it when you switch to your professor mode and two,” she lifts another finger, “I should give you a thesaurus for your next birthday. You used the word ‘different’ three times in one sentence,” teases Ryujin, grinning when Yuna rolls her eyes at her.

“At least it entertains you,” remarks the younger of the two, sipping the rest of her drink before setting the mug aside. “Anyway, that’s all I can conclude without further evidence or testing, I’m afraid. So you’re friends now?”

Ryujin nods. “It’s gonna be the toughest friendship I’ve ever had but it’ll have to do.”

“It doesn’t have to stay a friendship. You are allowed to cross that line, you know.”

“Are we seriously getting into this again? Really?”

“You went after her, Unnie, despite her noble attempt to remove herself from your life. It’s clear that she’s special to you and that you can’t bear losing her. Remember, she’s the only person you’ve actually offered to befriend in nearly fifty years. That says a lot about how you feel towards her.”

“You’re going to switch to teaching psychology again next time, aren’t you?”

“Yeah. I miss analyzing people. You, especially,” teases Yuna.

“I thought you were done analyzing me?”

“I admit that I’m an expert in knowing you but one can never fully understand another human being. There are too many factors both internally and externally. It’s complicated and that’s what makes it fun.”

Ryujin shakes her head. “As much as I dislike being analyzed by you, I’ve grown too accustomed to care. I think I’ve become a psychology expert myself after listening to you for centuries but I’m sticking to art, thank you very much. Maybe even start another business.”

“Another gallery?”

“How ‘bout a design or animation company? Everything is digital these days anyway so I’m going to try digital art for a change.”

“That explains the recent comic book shopping spree you went on and those movies and anime downloads. I thought you were exploring the dark side of the internet.”

“How many times must I tell you? Unlike you, I’m totally not into tentacle porn.”

Yuna almost chokes on her saliva. “It was an honest mistake!” she exclaims, her face and neck turning bright red.

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