Chapter 35

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The man glances at the two quiet woman walking next to him and asks, “Did you two even sleep last night?”

“Barely,” answers Ryujin in a small, hoarse voice before taking another big sip from her coffee.

“Do I want to know what you did?” he asks in his mock scary tone.

“Can you not, Dad? It’s not even seven yet,” retorts Yeji flatly.

He chuckles to himself and continues walking towards the airport exit.

Ryujin crashes on the couch as soon as they arrive at Yeji’s apartment, falling asleep almost instantly while Yeji does the same in her room, on her bed.

Mr. Hwang just shakes his head and goes to his room to unpack and nap.

He finds Jisu in the kitchen a couple of hours later and since the couch is empty, he assumes that Ryujin has moved to join Yeji in her room.

“Hi Samchon,” greets Jisu when she sees him. “Ryujin will be back with food so I hope you can hold in your hunger just a little while longer.”

“Ryujin’s out buying food?”

“Yes. She volunteered to do it. Yeji’s still asleep though.”

“Did they stay up all night last night?”

“I’m not sure. Maybe. I came home late and went straight to bed.”

He makes himself a cup of coffee and leans on the counter while waiting for the water to boil. “I heard that you’re getting married soon.”

Jisu almost spits out the snack she’s chewing. “Who told you that?”

“My daughter did.”

“I’m not getting married soon, Samchon. I’d need at least a year of getting to know him before we walk down that aisle.”

“But you’re set on marrying him?”

“Well… it’s our goal. Marriage, I mean.”

“I see. So Yeji’s going to stay here for a long time then?”

“I don’t know. For as long as she can, I think. We still have that silly dream of living next to each other with our families. I’d need to tell Oppa about her though. Do you mind, Samchon?”

“No but wait a few years before you do. I mean, I know he’s going to be your husband and that you shouldn’t be keeping things from him but…”

“I understand and I’m okay with waiting a few years. You can even do a background check on him and test his trustworthiness in the mean time,” Jisu says.

He nods and pours the boiled water into his mug. “Thanks. I might do that.”

Soon, Ryujin returns with the food, wakes Yeji up and they all have lunch together while talking about their Christmas plans.


As Ryujin had suggested, they invite Chaeryeong to have dinner with them on Christmas Eve at Ryujin and Yuna’s house.

Everyone is required to bring a present to be exchanged through a game that Yeji and Yuna have prepared.

“I must say,” Yuna says to Yeji as they set the table, “it feels great to celebrate the holidays with other people and not just Ryujin unnie.”

“You’ve never celebrated Christmas with your friends?” asks Yeji.

“I have but I always kept my distance so we’d go out and have a meal somewhere instead of celebrating at home. It didn’t feel like a proper Christmas celebration.”

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