Chapter 61

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Yeji opens the door and literally screams her head off while pouncing the smiling woman.

"Don't make your neighbors think that someone's attacking you," Jisu says through her laugh as she hugs her friend tightly.

"I've missed you," mumbles Yeji who's already on the verge of tears.

"We talk regularly," retorts Jisu in an effort to make light of the situation even though she, too, is struggling to hold in her own tears.

"But I haven't seen you in four years!"

"Don't exaggerate. We video called a few times."


Jisu laughs. "I've missed you too." She releases Yeji and shakes her head when she sees that her best friend still hasn't changed. "I hate you and your eternal youth," she says as Yeji drags her inside the apartment.

"Shush. You still look young."

"My child has just entered university. There is nothing young about me. Things are... sagging." Jisu points at her chest with a sad look on her face. "Gravity is my biggest enemy right now."

Yeji laughs and slaps Jisu's hand. "Stop it. You look great."

"Where's Ryujin?" Jisu asks after taking a seat on the couch, leaving Yeji to tend to her luggage.

"At work, of course."

"Ah right. Is she set on retiring next year?"

"Not sure whether it's next year or the year after that. She loves what she does but she won't be able to hide her looks much longer. Luckily, they're still unaware that she's not aging because she has that Asian youthful look going on." Yeji sits down next to her friend.

"So give or take three more years or so?"

"Yeah. So how was leaving Lucy at the dorms?"

Jisu instantly sighs. "Heartbreaking and terrifying. I am just praying and hoping that she'll be fine on her own for the next four years."

"I'll keep an eye out for her. I'll call her regularly."

"Will that help?" asks Jisu. "She's nineteen. Who knows what she'll be up to."

Yeji gives Jisu a pat on the shoulder. "She's a good kid. You raised her well. I'm sure she'll be okay."

They talk about Jisu's kids for a while then switch to business talk while waiting for Ryujin to come home from work so they can all go out to dinner together.

Jisu stays for a few days, spending every moment with Yeji while Ryujin understandingly gives them all the space they need. She even moves to the tiny guestroom just so Yeji and Jisu can sleep in the main bedroom together and have girl talks until late at night.

After watching a tearful goodbye at the airport, she holds Yeji in her arms and soothes her, stroking her hair.

"Will it ever get easier?" mumbles Yeji against Ryujin's neck.

"It won't, unfortunately," replies Ryujin softly. "She'll be back. You'll see her and her kids again."

"I hope so. I really hope so."


Years passed and Jisu managed to visit Yeji and Ryujin a few more times when she happened to be in town to see either her daughter or her parents.

Ryujin has finally retired and even though she hasn't been able to win an Academy Award like she dreamed about, she's happy and satisfied with her legacy. Her TV shows were a hit with kids around the globe and she made quite a nice amount of money from merchandises and syndication.

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