Chapter 68

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"I'm home!" announces Ryujin. "Whoa!" She stops in her tracks, just in time to avoid the running boy who still has finger paint all over his palms. "Do not get paint anywhere but on your papers, okay?" she tells him although there's paint stains on his pants and t-shirt already. "Especially not on my clothes."

The boy slows down and follows her into the kitchen.

Ryujin places the groceries on the counter, turns around, looks at the boy who's grinning up at her with green and yellow palms and chuckles. "What did you paint?"

"Iron Man!"

"Iron man is green and yellow? I thought he was red and yellow?" Ryujin helps the boy get onto the short steps and wash his hands in the kitchen sink. "Where's Mommy?"

"She's in your room."

"In our room? What is she doing in our room?"


"Oh she's on the phone?" Ryujin grabs the hand towel and dries the boy's hands. She then takes two bottles of yogurt drink out of the fridge, inserts two straws into them and gives them to the boy. "Give one to your sister and play nice, okay?"

He runs back to the nursery while Ryujin puts the milk and other perishables in the fridge before making her way to the bedroom.

She finds Yeji sitting on the bed, staring blankly at the phone that's on her lap.

"Hey, you okay?" she asks as she takes a seat next to her. "I got your ice cream and baking stuff."

"Lucy called," Yeji says, turning around.

"Is everything okay?"

"Sort of. Maybe. I'm not so sure." Yeji sighs and sets her phone aside. "Jisu's going to undergo cataract surgery in two weeks. It's a quick and common procedure... low risk. She doesn't even have to stay in the hospital afterwards. They're also testing her for glaucoma and that worries me more. If she indeed has it, they will treat her for that too. Kinda like a two-in-one surgery, get rid of everything in one go. Lucy just briefed me on the risks and effects of combined surgery. It has to be done asap before her sight deteriorates even further."

Ryujin understands why Yeji seems troubled. "You want to be there with her? It's okay, you know. I can hold down the fort while you're away."

"But the kids-..."

"They're four now. I'm sure they'll be fine without their mommy for a week or two. Yuna and Ryeong will help me out. It's going to be fine."

Yeji lifts her head, meeting Ryujin's soft gaze and smile. "Are you sure?"

Ryujin nods. "One hundred percent. Just tell me the dates and we'll work it out." She pats Yeji's hand. "I'm off to check why Iron Man is green and yellow."

Yeji catches Ryujin's arm before the woman can walk away.

"What is it?" Ryujin turns her head, watches Yeji rise to her feet and smiles when the woman kisses her on the lips.

"Thank you for understanding," Yeji says.

"You're most welcome."


They suddenly hear the girl's voice followed by loud crying.

"Uh oh. What did he do now?" Ryujin quickly leaves the room to check on the kids.


"Please stop crying, baby," Yeji strokes the crying boy's back, trying to get him to quiet down. "Mommy will be home in a week. Promise." She wipes the boy's face and kisses his damp cheek.

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