Chapter 40

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Yeji sits back, heaving a quiet sigh. She's in the middle of a break during a shoot and is feeling a bit bored so she takes out her phone and decides to check her social networking account.

She's considering uploading something but ends up organizing her photo album instead.

She can't help but smile when she sees the photos from Ryujin's latest birthday; the day she turned 400.

Yeji knew how much Ryujin disliked the number so instead of throwing her a party, she took her on a weekend getaway to a mountain resort where they spent their time hiking, sightseeing and relaxing in their hotel room - away from their friends and the city.

For their third anniversary, they chose to stay at Yeji's apartment for a quiet and romantic night together.

Her smile grows wider when she looks at the pictures they took that night, grateful that she has such a wonderful friend and lover by her side.

Suddenly the photo on the screen fades, replaced by an incoming call notification from Jisu.


"Are you done?"

"Not yet."

"How much longer?"

"I don't know. Maybe two, three hours?"

"Why so long?"

"It's not up to me, remember? What's your hurry anyway?"

"There's a sale at this baby store and I want to go find some stuff before they're all sold out!"

Yeji rolls her eyes. "Then take Oppa with you."

"I can't. He's at work. Plus, I need a woman's opinion. That man is practically colorblind. I can't trust his judgment," argues Jisu. "You're my only hope."

"Fine. I'll call you when I'm done."

"Good. Make it fast!"

"Okay okay. Bye."

Yeji ends the call and inhales. That voice inside her head has returned with its nagging questions, making her mellow.

I'm not jealous. I'm okay. I have Ryujin and I love her. We can get pets and raise them together. Yeah. That should do it. Besides, babies are a hassle. It will be harder to move around with kids. This is better. What I have now is better.

The unsatisfied feeling inside her heart lingers on but she pushes it aside when the photographer calls her to continue the shoot.



Ryujin huffs but doesn't open her eyes.


Ryujin feels a kiss on her cheek and groans. "What?" she mumbles half asleep.

"I can't sleep."

Ryujin frowns then slowly opens her eyes. "What?" she asks, turning to her side, facing Yeji.

"I can't sleep," repeats Yeji.

"Why?" Ryujin reaches out to wrap her arms around Yeji, pulling her into her embrace. She presses her lips against Yeji's hair and closes her eyes again.

"I don't know." Yeji starts fiddling with the button on Ryujin's pajama top.

Ryujin waits a few seconds until she feels more awake before moving her head to be able to look at the other woman. "Something on your mind?"

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