What is "Normal"??

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I am pretty sure we all have heard the term 'normal' or 'regular people' used many times. But sometimes I wonder what we mean by it. Surely it consists of a type of people who behave or look similarly. Right?
But, wait a minute.... I know for a fact that there are no two people are exact replicas of each other... but oh! Foolish me! Normal is used for people acting similarly, not exactly.....right....
Before going back to that, I wonder, what do we consider as normal?
Is it being either male or female? Is it being perfectly able to perform activities? Is it liking the opposite gender? Is it being 'not too fat, not too thin'? Is it being a 'trophy wife'? Is it being a 'masculine' man? Is it being able to walk on two feet? Is it being able to use all our senses?
Isn't this what we consider a normal person?

Before going back to that, I wonder, what do we consider as normal? Is it being either male or female? Is it being perfectly able to perform activities? Is it liking the opposite gender? Is it being 'not too fat, not too thin'? Is it being a 'trop...

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Well if this is the case, I sure DO NOT want to be normal. No way José. I think NORMAL is overrated. I mean, think about it... every person wants to be their own self, but, they are suppressed because people want them to be normal.

WE are actually stubborn enough to actually get a person a change themselves to appear normal. According to me, NO ONE is actually normal. Why can't we be free to be who we are just because someone doesn't want us to stand out, they don't want us to shine. We can be whoever we want, be whatever we want and be however we want. No one should stop us from doing that.
So I'm sure I'm gonna be me, what about you?

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