~ chapter 3.13 ~

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We gave Clarke the EMP and she zapped an unconscious Abby. She woke up, groaning, but at least she woke up. "Mom?" Clarke whispered. Abby sat up. After a few moments, she registered the situation. She was horrified. She apologized to Clarke, who tried to keep it together, but they were both too exhausted to try.

I waited in the corner of the room, giving them space. Bellamy had told me to stay in case the EMP didn't work. He and Murphy had gone to secure the level.

They, along with Pike, came back into the room with their guns raised at Abby. "It's okay. I used the EMP. It worked, she's back."

"Well, what about Ontari?" Murphy asked, gesturing to the girl on the ground, lying in her own black blood. "I thought you said we had one shot with that thing."

"I told you, Ontari is no longer an option for the Flame. She's brain dead. Is the floor secure?"

"For now," Bellamy said. "Jaha and the guards are tied up in a bedroom."

"We took out the elevator and the ladder as we climbed. The stairs are collapsed. No one is following us." Pike said.

"Good. Then we have time." Clarke said.

"What we don't have is a way down," Murphy said, yet again.

"Time for what?" I asked, standing to join the group.

"An ascension ceremony."

"I thought you said Ontari wasn't an option," I said. "Besides, she's still chipped and we no longer have an EMP."

"We're not putting the Flame in Ontari's head. We're putting it in mine." Clarke said. Even Abby looked surprised.

"Clarke, that thing killed Emerson in seconds," Bellamy stepped closer to her. "It liquified his brain."

"Emerson wasn't connected to a Nightblood."

"A transfusion?" I asked.

"Not exactly."

"Connected like Mount Weather." Abby said grimly.

"Yes. Everything we need is in your med kit." Clarke turned to her mother.

"It's too dangerous," I cut in.

"There are too many variables," Abby said, stepping forward to her daughter.

"But no options."

Octavia ran into the room, followed by the others. "Whatever you're doing, you'd better do it fast. They're climbing.

We ran to the window and stepped onto the balcony. It hurt my head to look all the way down, but I forced myself to. Sure enough, everyone on the ground was rushing toward the tower with ladders. Some were already far up the tower, others just beginning. Clarke exhaled. "I have to do this." Abby looked at her for a moment before nodding.

We went back in and Abby set up a makeshift Harvest Chamber on Ontari's throne. Pike and I grabbed lamp oil from the room and greased the balcony to prevent anyone from reaching us.

"There's enough lamp oil to cover every window on this floor. Except the Commander's chambers." Bellamy said.

"Then that's where the fighting starts," Pike said. "We'll dig in there." Bryan, Pike, and I headed to the Commander's chambers to prepare. Miller was right outside the door.

I pulled him into a hug. "Let's go."

We arrived at the chambers and Bryan collapsed onto the couch. Miller rushed to him and put a hand on his forehead. "You're burning up."

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