Chapter 4

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I woke up and looked at the time on my phone. It was 5:30 omg I need to get ready he'll be here soon.

So I got up and went to take a quick shower. I got out and started to blow dry my hair when all of a sudden my phone started ringing. I went to my room and picked my phone up off the bed and read the caller ID. 'Ricky' it read so I answered it.


"Hey I'm driving to your house right now to come and pick you up, you ready?"-R

"Oh ok and no not yet...I kinda dozed off when I got home and now I'm barely getting ready haha"-M

"Ha that's ok I'll just wait at your house till you're done,no rush"-R

"Ok thank you and when you arrive just come in my door will be open...oh yeah my room number is 267 since I live in an apartment ha"-M

"Oh you live in an apartment?cool well I'll be there in a little...I'll let you finish getting ready"-R

"Ok bye Ricky"-M

"Bye Margaret"-R

We hung up and I finished getting ready.

~{Ricky's POV}~

"Bye Margaret"-R

I hung up and drove to her house

We've only just met and I falling for her,The way she smiles,her laugh, her eyes,everything about her,after we parted our ways to go home I just couldn't stop thinking about her,which is REALLY bad since I have a girlfriend already.

If Jessica found out I'm picking a girl up just to hang out with at my house with everyone else and not her,she would flip the fuck out,but I do love my Jessica and she loves me so I don't see why she should get mad,I mean,I only met Margaret today at school and she's pretty cool,but even if Jessica came to school today she still would be yelling and angry at me,Jessica doesn't let me talk to other girls,she thinks I'm cheating on her with them,the last time I spoke with another girl she almost started a fight with her and then turned on me yelling at me saying 'what did I say about talking to other girls' then we went home and she yelled at me and started crying because she thought I was cheating on her,since I'm her boyfriend she should trust me with things and know that I would never cheat on her,that's the whole reason of being with someone,trusting and being honest with them,sometimes I actually wonder and think...Do I really love her?

I got to Margaret's apartment and pulled into the parking lot.

I turned off the car,got out and walked up some stairs and walked to her apartment numbered:267.
As I reached the last step of the stairs I can already read the number on the door,which was Margaret's.

I walked up to it and opened the door since she told me to just walk in. I closed the door behind me and took in the scent of perfume coming from a room down the hall. I walked over to it and saw Margaret in the bathroom getting ready. I decided to give her a little scare because I'm evil like that haha.

I quietly walked up to her and grabbed her sides while she wasn't looking up at the mirror.

"BOO!"I yelled as I got to her

"AGHH" she screamed and turned around and almost hit me

I laughed at her reaction and she just stared at me terrified

"WHAT THE FUCK RICKY!"she yelled but then started to laugh I still couldn't stop laughing

"DONT FUCKING DO THAT YOU ALMOST GAVE ME A FUCKING HEART ATTACK!" She yelled while putting her hand on her heart breathing heavily

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