Chapter 3

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*next week Monday*

I woke up to my alarm going off. Today I start my first day at SHS, Scranton High School.

I got out of bed and grabbed a black tank top and a pair of black skinny jeans, and of course underwear and a bra. I walked to the bathroom and put the water on. I got undressed and stepped into the shower letting the warm water rinse over me. I finished washing myself and then turned the shower off and walked out of the tub, and grabbed a towel out of the closet that was located in the bathroom. I dried myself off and began to get dressed. I dried my hair a little with the towel and then with the blow dryer. I then put on some makeup that included black eyeliner,mascara,foundation,and Smokey gray/black eyeshadow. Finally,when my hair was fully dried I grabbed my straightener and straightened my hair since my hair was a little wavy then a black beanie.I also put in my spider bite lip ring. I slipped on my all black converse and a leather jacket.

picture of outfit ---->--->---->---->

I grabbed my phone and everything I needed and headed out to my new school.

When I got there I started to feel nervous all of a sudden but I pushed the feeling away and walked towards the courtyard into the school doors. When I walked in some people's eyes were just staring at me. I waited for someone to yell out "stupid emo" or "nobody wants you here" but nothing happened,so I just kept on walking. I searched for room 301 which was the first class I go to,history.

The bell rang and kids rushed to their classes,luckily I got to mine before I got stampeded on.

"Hi there are you Margaret the new student?"apparently they already knew who I am

"Yes I am" I hate being the new student because then the teacher has to get the classes attention and introduce you to them,it's embarrassing

"Ok class well we have a new student today her name is Margaret and I want you to be respectful and polite to her"he announced

"You can sit...behind Ricky" he said and asked him to raise his hand so I know where he is

I walked to where I would be sitting which was behind who apparently was "Ricky". He gave me a smile as I walked by him. I took my seat and started to write down what the teacher was writing on the board.

"Hi I'm Ricky, Ricky Olson" he said with a smile

"Hi I'm Margaret, Margaret Jimenez" I smiled back

The rest of the hour was quiet, since we had to watch a stupid video thingy about the war I didn't really pay attention to it, all I did was doodle on a piece of paper, I didn't really know what I was drawing but it was looking pretty cool.

When I was done it turned out to be split worlds, one side was what seemed to look like heaven, and the other side was hell and in the middle of the picture was a grim reaper with a yin-&-yang sign on the bottom of it.

"Wow that's fucking awesome, you're a good drawer" Ricky said amused

"Ha thanks" I said blushing

"Your welcome and I'm not kidding, that's fucking amazing" he said admiring the drawing

"Yeah I don't really draw that much and when I do it's usually skulls or dark shit like this"

"Really? Well even though you rarely draw you have talent" he said smiling

I don't know, it's something about his smile that makes me blush and get butterflies in my stomach

We talked until class was over

"You seem pretty cool, we should hang out sometime" he said as we walked to our lockers which was right next to each other's

"That would be nice" I smiled

We walked to our next class but we didn't have it together I had math and he had science, it was pretty boring without him, or maybe it was because I didn't have anyone to talk to, oh well.

*time lapse at lunch*

I walked to the cafeteria and was poked on my shoulder by someone. I turned around and it was Ricky.

"Hey" I said laughing

"Hey you wanna go eat lunch with me and my friends?" He asked and pointed to a table with four guys sitting there, they seemed cool

"Yeah sure why not?" I said and grabbed my lunch with Ricky and he walked me to the table

"Hey Rick who's this?" One of the guys said looking at me

"Hey Chris, and this is Margaret Jimenez she's new so I thought it would be nice to invite her to eat lunch with us, she's pretty cool to" Ricky said to Chris

"Cool, hey I'm Chris Cerulli" he said waving hi to me

"Hi" was all I said since I didn't know them that well to actually open up to them except Ricky

We talked for quite awhile they all seemed really cool especially Chris and Devin, they're funny, Ricky was mostly quiet I don't know why he's usually really talkative with me.

*time laps after school*

It was time to go home, I gotta say, today wasn't that bad, I'm really looking forward to coming back tomorrow

I was walking since my house wasn't that faraway. I heard people yell my name and turned around to see Chris, Devin, and Ricky yelling at me. I started to walk towards them and then Ricky ran to me.

"Hey we were wondering if you wanna come over later on and hang out" he asked out of breath

"Yeah sure sounds cool what time?" I asked

"Eh, around about 6:00?" He said looking at the time on his phone

"Yeah I'll be there" I smiled

"Cool let me have your address so I can pick you up?" He said and I texted him my address from my phone

"Well we'll see you there" he said and hugged me then ran off to catch up with the others

I got to my house and flopped down on the couch, I decided to take a little nap before I go and hang out with Ricky and his friends.

Today is going really well


YAYY LONG CHAPTER!!!XD I hope you guys like it and I'll be updating whenever I can ok, so don't get mad if I post the next chapter in three weeks or something...anyway keep reading and I love all of you my little HøRRøR freaks XP

(Listening to: Caraphernelia-Pierce The Veil)

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