♡{razor-- "what is this feeling?"}♡

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k this one should be really cute lol

razor is my fav idc idc

no warnings

-you and razor spend more and more time together, causing some confusing feelings to arise.-


you had met razor a while back, and you weren't sure if he would like you, but surprisingly, he became one of your best friends. you two were practically inseparable. whether you went hunting together or you traveled far and wide just to find each other, you always seemed to be with him. you were with the traveler when you ran into him, and he was cautious of you, but he warmed up to you almost instantly. he treated you like one of his own, and you did the same for him.

you would teach him english and talk about things he didn't quite understand, and he would teach you the ways of a wolf and show you how he grew up. you always had fun with him, and that was one of the best parts about your friendship.

friendship. ugh. even though you loved razor as a friend, you also grew to love him as more. he was very touchy, usually rubbing his nose against yours or engulfing you in bear hugs. he was also very protective of you, making sure to take care of any monsters who tried anything on you. apparently that had affected you in certain ways, because the more you hung out with him, the more butterflies you felt and the redder your face got.

of course, razor being razor, he had no idea what any of that meant, so he thought it was normal. but he noticed that you were more nervous around him than usual, and that worried him. had he scared you off? did you stop liking him?

one day as you two were walking through a forest, he brought it up.

"y/n? why do you seem so...afraid around razor?" he said, your eyes widening as you turned towards him.

"afraid? i'm not afraid of you, razor. what do you mean?" you had a feeling he was talking about your reactions to liking him so much, but he didn't know that's what it meant, so his confusion was reasonable.

"well, sometimes you look scared when razor hugs you, or your face turns red. razor..doesn't understand." razor replied, feeling saddened by his own theories. you couldn't help but melt at his soft expression, eyes tilted towards his feet and his legs shifting out of awkwardness. you quickly responded, saying:

"oh no no, razor, i'm not scared of you at all! i just get nervous around you sometimes because..well, because i like you. more than in a friend way. have you ever heard of love?" you finished with a question. his head shot up in confusion, tilting a bit. you took that as a no. "well, love is when two people really really like each other. it's like a warm feeling. you can't help but want to be around that person all the time, and no matter what you try, it doesn't go away. it can be friendly, but it can also be more than that. like, lovers. i know we're best friends, but i like you as a lover. does that make any sense?" you explained the best you could, not sure how to properly explain love to him. he had probably felt it before, but would he know how to identify it?

"oh, razor gets it now. he gets a warm feeling around some friends, but he gets it around you, too. he gets all tingly and warm, like a blanket but with electricity. does that mean razor likes you in a lover way?" he told you, leaving you shocked. um, did he just say that? you giggled, not being able to contain your love for this boy. he was so cute, a blanket with electricity? oh archons.

"yes, razor, that sounds like it! what else do you feel?" you asked, wondering if it was just him liking you as a friend, but as he went on about his feelings, you smiled wider and wider.

"...and he also gets an urge to hug you all the time, but a hug never seems to be enough. razor sometimes feels sad when he's not around you, that's why he always runs to find you," he explained in more detail, confirming your previous suspicions.

"can razor hug you now?" he suddenly asked, looking into your eyes. you nodded softly, opening your arms. he practically jumped on you, resting his face in your neck.

"see? you get goosebumps and shivers, and so does razor. we feel the same, like lovers." he said matter-of-factly, and you laughed quietly at his conclusion.

"yes, razor, it seems so." you replied, giggling when he pulled his head away from your neck to look at you, then leaned in to rub noses. he grinned at you and you gave him some head pats. he closed his eyes in content before looking in your eyes again.

"what do we do now? what do...lovers do?" he asked. you laughed again, replying, "well, we don't have to do anything, but i can show you what most lovers do if you'd like?" he nodded with excitement at the offer, and watched carefully as you brought your hand up to his face, slightly leaning in.

"razor, relax, you'll know what to do once i do it. you don't need to watch, just close your eyes." you instructed him, and he nodded before closing his eyes and waiting. you giggled at how excited he was.

you leaned in, closing the distance between you two and placing your lips on his. you felt him move a bit in confusion, but after a second, he copied your gentle movements, eventually getting more comfortable with the feeling. you kissed for what felt like hours, but it was probably just 2 or 3 minutes with occasional breaks filled with lots of giggling and nose rubbing.

after a bit, razor pulled back and looked at you.

"you're red again," he said, smiling widely.

"so are you, razor!" you replied back, playfully hitting his shoulder. although, since razor grew up with wolves, he took that playful shove as an invitation to tackle you. you two liked to play fight a lot, and you didn't mean to cause that reaction, but you weren't complaining.


it had been hours since the initial kiss and confession, and you two had found a spot on a hill that showcased mondstadt's town and beautiful scenery. the sun was setting, and you were growing tired. razor's head was in your lap as you stroked his hair, and you softly hummed songs you had learned from venti. with your body up against a big oak tree and razor laying right next to you, you couldn't help but feel like the luckiest person in all of teyvat.

razor looked up at you, seeing you watch the stars. he found you to be gorgeous, and he wanted to show you. his hand reached up to your face, and you looked down in surprise before relaxing in his touch.

"you look like a bright star, lover." he said quietly, not knowing any actual adjectives to express how he saw you, but you understood perfectly, smiling softly and leaning down to kiss his nose.

"you're the reason i shine so bright, razor~" you replied, and with that, you both relaxed in each other's arms, daydreaming about what the future would hold.


AHHH this is a bit shorter but i hope it was okay, i wasn't sure how to write razor correctly but i hope i did decent lol

i might be uploading something right after this, it'll probably be venti :)

much love <3

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