♡{diluc-- "you look..."}♡

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not sure what this'll be lol

art by ereyzme on insta

kinda AU? not sure lol

it's also taking place in a renaissance-type of setting? it'll stray pretty far from the original storyline

the parent in this is also gender neutral, you can view them as a father figure, mother figure, neither, or both! whichever is best for you. y/n calls them parent, or NJ (their initials).

kk enjoy :)

--you attend a party with royalty, but find yourself in a rough situation with a ragnvindr.--


Standing in front of the mirror, you smoothed over your top, checking yourself out.

"Wow, I actually look good," you mumbled to yourself, your eyes glazing over the material of the clothing. It was a royal blue with a black pattern laced on top, giving the outfit an aged, but still classy, look.

You gave yourself a reassuring smile before walking towards the spiral stairs in your house and making your way to the living area.

"Hey," you said shyly, looking at your parent. They looked you over, taking in your beauty and how much you've grown. "Goodness, Hon, you look stunning!" they exclaimed, walking towards you to bend down and bow their head, placing a light kiss on your hand. You chuckled as they broke out into small giggles, moving away from you to walk into the kitchen.

You and your parent were close, your other parent passed away a couple of years back. It hit both of you pretty hard, but you made it through together.

"Listen, I know you didn't really want to go to this, so I appreciate your efforts. The Ragnvindr Clan really wants me there, and I feel weird leaving you here with all of this 'Fatui' stuff going on." You nodded, giving them a tight smile. "I quite like this outfit, honestly," you commented, and you both laughed again.


The carriage pulled into the long, windy driveway of the Ragnvindr house, and you couldn't help but gasp at how large their house was. Sure, you were born into a wealthy family so you knew a thing or two about expensive houses, but this was next-level. The windows all had a golden glow to them, the candles casting a soft light on everyone's faces as they moved around.

You let out a soft puff of air, straightening out your outfit once again. Your parent noticed this, taking your hand and squeezing gently.

"Hey, I know this must be overwhelming, huh? Let's make a plan. If you, at any point, get uncomfortable or too stressed in there, you come and find me and we will leave, no exceptions. Okay? sure, I do kind of need to be here, but I also care much more about you than any of the rich fools at this gathering, so I don't mind a jab at my reputation. Plus, we could make it dramatic, like-" They then began to act out what looked to be a...murder scene? they screamed loudly, causing the coach of the carriage to turn their head in annoyance.

"Then, I say: there's been a murder upstairs! Run, before your heads are chopped off, as well! Then, we would run off into the sunset...and back to our mansion." They finished, and you just shook your head, laughing at their silly humour.

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