♡{kaeya-- "i'm in LOVE with you!"}♡

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feeling romantic 

no warnings

credit to the artist who made the pic above <3

--Kaeya has trouble understanding that what he's feeling is love.--


It took a while for Kaeya to understand how you felt about him. Yes, he'd grown accustomed to people of all genders falling for him, but he never realized someone could genuinely see all that he had done and been through, yet still love him. 

He also didn't know what love really meant. He knew he had once loved - and maybe did still love - his brother. He would do anything for his comrades, but he didn't know what romantic love felt like, nor did he really know it existed in the first place.

When you told him how you felt, he smirked and made a stupid comment like he would with any other person. But then, you explained more thoroughly, and that wiped the smirk right off his face. Not only because he never thought someone as unique and special as you could see him that way, but also because he found himself blushing. Blushing! How was it possible? He covered his face immediately as if he felt sick, and he excused himself to the toilet. You were left in shock and confusion, wondering what you had said to turn him away so suddenly. 

He came back a half hour later, his head held low and his hair messy. You felt bad, like maybe you overwhelmed him and he wasn't sure how to reject you after such an in-depth explanation of your feelings. However, all of those worries vanished once he sat down in the seat next to you and grabbed your hands, rubbing circles onto your skin. 

"Listen, I know this might not be what you were hoping for, but I truly believe you were either hit in the head and can't remember who I am, or you somehow have contracted these strong feelings for me and I've been blind to it all this time." He said, and you just laughed. You had to cover your mouth to try and conceal your strange response. 

Kaeya looked horrified. Were you joking all along? Was it all a prank, thought up by Venti or Diluc, of all people? But then, as you calmed down, the look in your eyes told him everything he needed to know. You wanted him, and only him.

From that point on, the two of you went on dates. Even your work for acting master Jean was like a date. All you needed was a small clearing in a forest or a small rock, and you could do whatever you pleased. You were still his best friend, just with added benefits. 

Everything felt great until last night. You two were walking home, laughing about the events of the day, when a drunk adventurer stumbled up to you and spun you around to face him, his stale breath fanning your face. You flinched away, but he kept coming at you - you weren't sure of the reason; maybe he wanted you to himself, or maybe he was in the mood to pick a fight - either way, he pissed both you and Kaeya off,  and Kaeya felt a fire ignite through his cool skin like never before. 

He pulled out his sword, putting the sharp tip right against the drunk's neck, moving slowly until he was backed up against a wall. He then whispered something to the guy, and just like that, the drunk had fled - probably all the way to Inazuma by the looks of it. 

"I was going to handle that, Kaeya." You said, but a smile assured him that you weren't angry. "I know, and I would've let you, but I felt this raging heat inside me and knew I had to protect you." His words shocked you a bit - not because of the things he said, no, it was the manner in which he said them. 

What...do you mean by that?" You searched his face, the two of you now stopped under one of the few lanterns that lit up the rocky pathway beneath you. He looked confused, but you saw him analyzing his words, trying to pinpoint what had gone wrong. "I'm sorry, I'm not sure what you mean, darling," he replied, looking to you for help. You sighed, a small smile creeping to your face. 

"I don't wanna put words in your mouth, but you said that in such a passionate way, I couldn't help but think maybe...you're in love? I know that's a lot, but..." As you spoke, you watched his expression turn from confusion to utter astonishment. He had never outwardly said he loved you, which hadn't been a worry of yours, but you felt something when he had spoken and you needed to know it wasn't just your imagination. 

"No, no, you're not wrong...I do feel different with you. I thought it was normal to feel so warm and giddy around you, but maybe I was wrong. Doesn't it feel this way all the time for most people that go on dates? I mean, I've never felt like this before, but I never considered...oh, oh my...you're absolutely right. I'm in love with you." The minute he said it, his eyes lit up, meeting yours. You matched his smile, the world closing around you two like a bubble. "I'm in LOVE with you! Oh Gods, I'm in love with you!"He shouted, and you laughed at his excited face. It was as if he was just handed a bucket of all his favorite things. 

He grabbed you and hugged you tight, lifting you up and spinning you around in mid-air. By the time he put you down, you were both out of breath and your cheeks hurt from laughing so much. You pulled him in for a kiss, softly holding his head in your hands. You felt him relax into you as you pulled him closer, letting him fully embrace you. 

"I'm in love with you, too, Kaeya. All of you." You whispered, and he smiled against your lips, his response being another kiss.

"Hey, get a room you two! Kaeya, this is the last straw! If I hear another girl screaming because of you, I'm banning you from my restaurant!" A shop owner yelled from across the path, and you both gave each other horrified glances before running off, smiles making their way onto your faces. 


okay this is a short one but

thats okay! hope u enjoyed this slightly clueless version of kaeya

much love <3


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