Chapter 1

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"I can't believe the asshole did it again!" I think as the pain spreads from my mark outward. I don't know what hurts worse - his betrayal or my stupidity to think he wouldn't cheat again - like the first two times weren't enough. As I leave the living room, I trip over the chair leg when another wave of pain spreads across me - this time in my lower stomach area. This pain causes me to tumble over, but, unluckily, the coffee table is in the way this time. Falling right into the coffee table, it strikes me directly in my stomach area, and the force is so great that I also hit my head on the side of the table. Sliding into the floor in agony, the only thing I can think about is whether the little one I am carrying is okay. However, I see blood has started trickling into my eyes,and I can't find my phone, so I start yelling for Devaney. Somehow I got her attention even though she was upstairs.

"Mommy, mommy, are you ok? I'll call daddy." I'm not sure if the jerk would even answer, but her determined look is enough for me to keep my mouth shut.

"He's not answering mommy. Mommy answer me." She yells, shaking me slightly.

"Aunt Sienna..." I whisper out.

"Ok mommy."

Then I hear, "Aunt Sienna. Come quick. Mommy's hurt, really bad. Blood everywhere. I'll tell mommy." And she hangs up

"She's coming. Don't leave me mommy." I hear her cry.

"I love you and Zoey." I tell her before the darkness takes over.

Sienna POV

We get to Eva's house, and Ben goes to kick the door in, but Devaney finally opens the door. We rush in, and Devaney leads us to the living room - which is a mess. Broken furniture, shattered glass and blood - lots of blood. Eva is covered in blood, and I notice that there is also a small amount of blood on her leg. Shit. Please No.

"Ben, we have to get Eva to the hospital NOW."

"Yes I see that sweetheart. We'd be quicker than an ambulance - let's load her up and go."

Not caring about the state of my vehicle at the moment, Ben gently carries Eva to our car, and I help him get her inside. We rush Eva to the local hospital - which is equipped to handle werewolves and their problems.

"What happened?" the doctor asks as Eva is rushed in.

"I'm not sure exactly. All my niece said was that Eva yelled for help and she found her collapsed next to the coffee table."

"Is there anything special we should know about Luna Walsh?"

"She just found out she is pregnant." I almost whisper, and Ben's eyes get big. No Eva hadn't told anybody but me yet. She was waiting to tell people until she could talk with the asshole, but he put her off the other day. JERK!

The doctor looks at Eva and the blood and seems a bit panicked.

"Nurses get the OB down here stat."

Seeing his facial expressions and hearing the tone in his voice only alarmed me more.

"Is everything ok?" I questioned him.

"I'm not sure. Did she hit anything?"

"I guess she could have hit the coffee table, that would explain the blood on her head. I noticed blood on her legs though, so I guess she could have fallen across the table somehow."

"It certainly is possible, but just pray for her and the child. Please wait in the ER waiting room, we will call you as soon as we know something more."

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