Chapter 19

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Today was the day I was dreading for a while. Callum was coming to see Devaney and Zoey. Devaney still held some grudge against Callum, so she wasn't as excited as Zoey. I might have had problems with Callum, but I wasn't going to deny him the right to see his daughters. At this time, I still didn't trust his temper, so we had made arrangements for him to visit them here at Blackrose.

Scarlett had agreed, with some reluctance, to let him stay in one of the empty rooms in the houses made for visiting family of pack members. His particular one was halfway between our home near the pack house, and the entrance to the pack land. She wanted to keep him close enough for the kids, but far enough away that we could have some distance and privacy - which I thanked her for.

The last thing we need is more opportunities for Callum getting in Julian's face, especially considering he's been even more protective since the triplets were born.

Callum came by and got the girls the first evening to take them out to eat and to spend some time with them. He came back later with a sour look on his face. Zoey looked fine, but Devaney had a horrified look on her face.

"So where are they!!" Callum bellows, as he stalks up.

"What the hell are you talking about?!!" I scream back.

"Those abominations!!"

"Who the hell are you talking about?!!" I reiterate, clearly not knowing what he's talking about.

"The girls 'siblings'" He states putting siblings in air quotes.

The next thing I know the water hose is levitating up and moving towards Callum. I just realized that there was still water in the hose. Once I saw Callum's face, I knew that no one had told him about Devaney.

"What the heck Evangeline!" He shrieks and backs up with his eyes popping out from his head.

Walking over to Devaney, I put my hand on her shoulder. "That's enough Dev. I'm not in any danger."

By this time tears are flowing from her eyes. "If daddy thinks the triplets are abominations, then he must think I am one too." She sobs.

Looking at Callum with contempt in my eyes and shock in his.

"What..." He stammers out.

"I know, you didn't know - did you? I guess your daughter is an abomination too. We just found out that she isn't a full werewolf, but also part water mage." I explain. His eyes just bug out with realization, but he can't say a word before the next voice comes into the conversation.

"Who's an abomination??!!" Julian yells from behind me. Oh shit. I think.

"Obviously your family." Callum hisses with disdain.

Julian is toe to toe with Callum in the blink of an eye.

"Connard! Ne parlez pas de ma famille de cette façon!" Julian hollers out, before grabbing Callum by the throat and picking him up.

"Julian!" I caution. "He's not worth it!" I yell at him while putting a hand on his outstretched arm.

"But he called my kids abominations." He cries out, and I hear the pain in his voice.

"He's ignorant, Julian. We can't educate the ignorant. He isn't worth it." I try and comfort him by placing a hand on his back. It must have worked slightly because he looks at me. I take my hands and wipe off the few tears he's shed, and he drops Callum

"Callum, I suggest you get off our pack's territory immediately. You have now just made an enemy, and I can only hope that your family can patch up the relationship between our packs while you are still Alpha." I advise him using the Alpha tone I still have.

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