Chapter 8

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"Can I kiss you?" Julian asks.

"It's not like you haven't done that before now." I taunt.

"That was to prove a point." He argues.

"Then why ask now?" I counter. Looking at the expression on his face, I just add, "Just kiss me already." I snicker, encouraging the kiss this time.

Staring at him lovingly, I lean up and sweetly capture his lips in mine. Waiting for moments like this have only heightened the anticipation for this type of activity - and it didn't help with my other desires.

We get so involved in the kiss that Julian tumbles off the couch. I can't help but laugh at him. He must take offense to this because he reaches up and pulls me off the couch - which of course is on top of him. We just stare at each other not believing that we have actually gotten to this point. I almost get embarrassed at his excitement, which is even more evident by the appearance of his fangs, so I go to get up.

"Wait, don't pull away...not yet." Julian begs. He wraps his arms around my waist, pulls me closer and kisses me again - more passionately than before.

After several more long kisses, Julian looks at me. "I need to get something off my chest."

"What?" I ask curiously.

"You." He replies with a serious expression on his face but playfulness in his eyes.

"Ass." I yell and slap him on his chest before making the moves to get to my feet. I don't need to look at his mouth to know that his fangs have descended, because I still can feel how into the kisses he was - SO I decided to be devious and roll my hips just a little as I am moving to get up to my feet. The sound that comes from the back of Julian's throat tells me I accomplished what I intended - I might as well still give Julian a hard time. Now that's too funny - hard time.

"Put those fangs away, Julian - you can't use them on me." I playfully scold.

Being in the mood to tease Julian tonight seeing as I know he got excited earlier, I yell, "Good night, Julian." over my shoulder. I smile because now there is nothing standing in the way of us having any type of relationship.

"Good night?"


"We have the whole house to ourselves." He says almost like a question.

"And?" I remark with a raised eyebrow.

He uses his speed to pin me against the wall - Julian trapping my hands above my head. Once again I'm nervous but in a good way. He leans in to kiss me, but there is nothing sweet about these kisses - they are all heat and passion. From there, he kisses down my jawline to my neck. Without shame, he continues until he arrives at that certain spot, and I actually don't suppress the moan that comes out. He places his hands on my hips and roughly pulls me closer which forces me to wrap my arms around his neck to keep my balance. I take this opportunity to find his lips and kiss him deeply showing how much I've wanted this moment to happen - for a long time. He takes this as a sign and reaches down to wrap my legs around his waist, and he carries me to the guest room. The fact that he's wearing shorts only shortens the time it takes for his clothes to now be missing, and I'm standing in only my underwear.

"Really? You're going to stop there?" He asks seriously.

"Don't you want to have some fun?" I return with a question.

"Oh, I will, angel. Believe me." He adds, as he walks over to his bags.

Soon enough, he comes back with some foil packages and sets them on the nightstand.

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