Chapter 2

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Sienna POV

Eva spent another week in the hospital. Callum tried to come by, but luckily either Ben or I stopped him from entering Eva's room. Eva was slowly coming back from the devastation of losing the twins. Hopefully, I will never have to go through the pain she is going through.

Eva asks me to look into apartments in the nearby town for her to rent. She insists on renting a four bedroom - one for each of the girls - Devaney, now 8, and Zoey, Eva and Callum's only daughter, now 3, one for her and one for when I want to come over and stay the night - who am I to deny my best friend what she's wanting.

"How are you going to afford this?"

"I've been saving for a rainy day. Callum hasn't been paying much mind to our personal financial books lately. He spends money on his fancy cars, and I put my portion away in a savings account. Something told me that one day a nice savings account would come in handy."

"And I suppose now is the time?"

"Si, I can't live with that man any longer. Do you know that he's even slept with someone while I've been in the hospital?"

"He's what?!"

"It doesn't even bother me anymore. I've become almost numb to it. This is just another reason why I am leaving this relationship. Have you seen him much?" She asks but there is no concern in her eyes.

"Not really. I think Ben's even had to step in a few times to cover for him. His drinking has gotten out of control - even more so after the loss of the twins."

"He didn't even know I was pregnant. I went to tell him right after I found out, and the asshole brushed me off. Told me he had too many Alpha duties that day to deal with my petty issues." She sobs.

"Oh Eva, that jerk doesn't deserve you."

"He doesn't come to any of the therapy sessions that have been suggested to him. Even little Devaney comes and helps me sometimes with my nightmares. I don't let her sleep in the room with me because I am afraid that I will hit or kick her. The little angel comes running in to try and help any time I wake up screaming."

"Would you like to talk about it now? You've never told me the story."

"Remember I dated Martin before he was banished."

"Yeah, he was cute but arrogant - I never knew what you saw in him." I respond.

"Si, I was the girl he sexually assaulted." She confesses.

"Oh Eva, I'm so sorry."

"I was so ashamed that I didn't do anything to ward off his attack more. I linked Ethan and he showed up with Sam, Jack and Gray. Thankfully before things went from bad to worse. Anyway, when Delano kidnapped me, he did some of the same things and this time he was using magic to keep me from using my powers. Again I felt so helpless. Anyway once I got back here, the doctor suggested therapy, not just for me but also for me and Callum. The doctor thought it would be a good idea if Callum knew about the past. I'm not sure it really helped much. Oh, we were better for the first year after we started therapy - which was months after I came back - but things deteriorated again not long after Zoey was born. Honestly, I think Callum would have rather had a boy than a girl. I guess that is why I was trying again to get pregnant. Maybe if Callum got his boy, things would get better."

"Eva you have put everything you can into this relationship. The fact that it failed is all on Callum."


Coming home after getting out of the hospital wasn't necessarily a good idea. The memories of that night - the pain and the loss - I just couldn't handle it anymore. Callum came in drunk - once again - something that was becoming all too familiar. All of a sudden I broke.

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