Chapter 4

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So per Scarlett's suggestion the pranks start up first thing in the morning. I know how much Julian loves his morning coffee. Not this morning he won't.

"Good morning Julian." I chirp while eating my Cocoa Puffs.

"Morning angel." He responds. Oh he won't think I'm an angel soon enough.

He goes and pours himself a cup of coffee and goes to put the cream and sugar he loves so much. He has coffee with his cream and sugar - not the other way around. After multiple spoons of sugar, he stirs and lifts to try it out before leaving the kitchen.

It only takes one sip for him to spew the coffee all over the counter.

"Really Evangeline? Really? You are going to mess with my morning coffee? Switching salt for the sugar? Didn't I warn you about messing with my food - hence, drink?"

Seeing the look in his eyes, I quickly get off the stool, and I book it up the stairs to my room - screaming all the way.

"No Jujube. I'm sorry!" I holler.

"No you aren't Evangeline! You knew exactly what you were doing!!" He exclaims, as I hear his feet coming up the stairs quicker than what I am running.

Luckily, I make it to the room first, slam the door and lock it.

"You can't stay in that room all week, Evangeline. You better watch your back. I will have something in mind." He warns.

"And I will watch my bottom and front and every side." I joke, repeating what he told me years ago.

"You better watch everything Evangeline Gray!" He warns before I hear his retreating steps.

Whew - safe for the moment - for the moment.


The next day I find out what he was willing to do. Coming in from training, I go to get my favorite chips - Muchos - which everyone knows I buy for myself. I go to open the bag only to be greeted by a handful of shredded paper.

"Julian Le Tourneau! What did you do with my chips!" I scream.

"Ate them." He chuckles. "Then replaced the chips with something better."

"Something better?"

"Sure. sweet cheeks." He teases.

He knows that I hate that nickname, and I know exactly where he is. I creep along the hallway until I get near the front room. There Julian is relaxing on the couch with a bowl of my chips. Quickly I run up and jump on him.

"My chips asshole!"

"Nobody's chips now. They're all over the floor." Grant interjects.

"Thanks Mr. Obvious. I'd rather them be there than in Jujube's mouth." I confess.

"Jujube?" Tyson questions.

"Shut up Evangeline!" Julian warns.

"Yes like Jujube candy. They are a hard, dense candy that is almost inedible. Like Julian."

Everyone in the front room was roaring with laughter but Julian.

"Fine Evangeline." He pouts and turns to go up to his room.

"I love you Julian." I tease.

"Degage! Tell someone who cares." He calls down and continues to huff up the stairs.

"Tu m'aimes toujours!" I shout

"Non. Peut être." He returns but then I hear a door slam.

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