Chapter 18

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Julian POV

I'm so grief stricken, I march myself down to the cells, where that bitch is sitting in a cell.

"You bitch!" I scream.

"So we can finally be together." She coos.

"Never, even if Eva dies, I'd never be with you again!. Luckily the triplets are alive and healthy, but Eva is in a coma. All because of you!" I spit and grab a hold of her neck - tightly.

Next I feel the presence of power coming down the stairs.

"Jules, you can't kill her - Eva isn't dead."

"But she might not make it." I sob.

"Still, you can't kill Danielle - at least not yet."

"I'd rather Eva be alive than Danielle dead, but I never want to see this bitch again, Red."

"Well you have the right to banish Danielle from the territory including coming into the town of Raven."

"If that is the best that I can do, then that is what I will take."

"Danielle Drake, you are hereby banned from the Blackrose Swamp Pack territory which includes the town of Raven, Louisiana. If you are caught on pack lands, you will be killed on sight. Now leave these lands and never return. I will have no problems killing you myself!" I command and let my grip on Danielle's neck loosen.

"You'll regret this Julian Le Tourneau." Danielle vows.

"My only regret is promising to wait for my mate, and getting such a hateful human as yourself." I spit out with venom.

It has been a week that Eva has been in this coma, and it is about to drive me nuts. Luckily there are plenty of friends here at Blackrose willing to help with the triplets while Eva is recovering.

All I keep thinking about is how I just got her in my arms, and how quickly she could be gone.

Please Moon Goddess don't take my angel away from me.

All of a sudden, I hear gasping and look over to see Eva's eyes opening.

"Angel?" She looks around hazily but then over at the glass of water. I quickly take it over to her and she starts downing it.

"Slow down you might get sick. There's plenty more water around here."

"Is it time for jokes, JD?" She questions with a smile.

"Whatever it takes to make you smile."

Quickly her smile is replaced with a frown as her hand travels down to her stomach.

"The triplets..." She cries.

"They're fine and healthy."

"They're all alive?"

"Yes angel, you didn't lose a one. Would you like to meet them?" And she quickly nods.

I call Juniper and Io to bring the triplets over. The amazement on Eva's face was worth the last week.

"Of course, our daughter had to be the first to make her appearance - outdoing her brothers." I announce as I place the pink bundle containing Selena in Eva's arms.

"A head full of black hair." I say. "But your beautiful blue eyes." Eva beams. "They were all bound to have some sort of blue eyes." I tease and Eva just gives me that look.

"Next is who I call the serious one. He never seems to cry much and always seems to have a watchful eye on his siblings already." I tell her as I place the blue bundled Sebastien in his mother's arms.

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