✨Chapter 30: Grand Gestures And New Beginnings

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Music blasted through Kadence's headphones as she ran through a quiet Los Angeles neighborhood

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Music blasted through Kadence's headphones as she ran through a quiet Los Angeles neighborhood.

Running had never been something Kadence was into. If she was being honest she strayed away from any cardio that wasn't dance but it was a hobby she picked up and had been doing faithfully for the past month and a half.

Her love for dance had been tainted and often reminded her of all the drama she had been through. Running had become her newest outlet, and while she still loved dance immensely, running helped her when she felt overwhelmed by everything including dance.

There was just something about pushing herself until she was gasping for air that made her feel free and in complete control.

If you would've told her a few months ago she'd be running for the fun of it she'd probably laugh in your face but her life was different now and she was just trying to find a healthy balance. Running helped her do that.

As far as her day to day life was concerned things hadn't completely gone back to normal just yet but she was at least able to leave her house these days without people staring at her or random people snapping pictures of her. It had also been a while since a tea page posted about her. To her that was progress and she appreciated it.

She attended classes at her old dance studio every now and then but it was no longer the same. She wasn't sure if it was the atmosphere that had changed or if it was her but she didn't love being there anymore, and while her students would always hold a special place in her heart; she had outgrown that part of her life.

Reaching the same park she frequented after every run, Kadence took a seat on her favorite bench. It was directly in front of the fountain and had a view of the entire park.

Just like running, this park had become a part of her daily routine and brought her peace and tranquillity like nothing else could these days.

Right on cue her phone began to ring with a FaceTime call from Sienna.

"Are you done running?" Sienna asked, once the phone call connected.

Kadence chuckled, "You know I am or else you wouldn't have called."

"This is true." Sienna agreed, "And in the spirit of our little routine I will say once again I don't see how you do it everyday."

Kadence shrugged, "I don't know how I do it everyday either but it's like once I start I can't stop. I may be addicted now."

"Girl, it's probably just all of that sexual frustration built up." Sienna teased.

Kadence took a sip of her water, "You could be right."

Kadence had gone from a very healthy sex life to a long two months of no sex.

She'd be lying if she said it wasn't hard but she knew she'd be going much longer without it. She'd probably pick up martial arts and a host of other activities by the time she decided to have sex again.

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