Quidditch world cup

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I wake up, once again, to somebody shaking me violently. This time, however, it's Ginny. I groan, "What?"

"It's the Quidditch world cup y/n! You need to go wake up the twins." I quickly stand up and scurry to the twins' room. This is always my favorite part of visiting. 

I start flicking the lights on and off over and over again and shout, "WAKE UP IDIOT'S!" Both of them groan, George throws his pillow at me and Fred throws a random shoe at me, both miss of course. "GET UP, IT'S THE WORLD CUP!" I shout, running down stairs before they can murder me.

I hastily get ready and go down to breakfast. Fred's the only one at the table, so I take my usual seat next to him, "Good morning, Weasley."

"Good morning, Black," He responds, taking a sip of his tea and pretending to read the news paper.

"Anything interesting?" I ask, already knowing his answer. Oh, you know the usual, flying bears attacked the Queen again.

"Oh, you know the usual, flying bears attacked the Queen again," He says straight faced.

"Oh, interesting. That's happened for the past four days in a row," Well you know those bears, they don't like Monarchs, and want us to become a Democracy.

"Well you know those bears, they don't like Monarchs, and want us to become a Democracy," He spews out his usual nonsense. I roll my eyes at him.

After breakfast we all start our journey to the portkey. Our long and treacherous journey. We walk through forests, by lakes, through creeks, over hills, and through meadows. Harry walks over and lays his head on my shoulder mid walk. George lays down on the grass as Fred pulls him, and then they switch. Charlie gives Ginny a piggy back ride. And Ron starts dramatically crawling as if he lost his legs.

"Are you going to give me a piggy back?" Fred asks jokingly.

"Oh sure hop on, person who's like 8 feet taller than me," I laugh.

"I'm way taller than that maybe 14 feet."

We eventually make it to the final hill. Amos is already there, but I can't see Cedric anywhere, "Arthur. I was wondering when you'd show up."

"Sorry Amos some of us had a sleepy start." Arthur says, glaring at Ron and Harry.

I look around a little for Cedric, until I hear a thud. I turn to see what it was, and see Cedric shaking Arthur's hand. "Ah this young trap must be Cedric." Cedric extends his hand and him and Arthur shake hands.

Cedric smiles in my direction, so I wave earning a glare from Fred. Honestly that boy needs to get over our loss last year. He always complains about it, and it's getting quite old.

Arthur tells us to split up and look for the portkey. I pair up with Cedric, making the twins mad, and of course we find the portkey first, "It's over here!" We yell out in unison. Everyone scurries over to stand around it.

"Why's everyone standing around some manky old boot?" Harry asks, wrinkling his nose.

"That's not any old manky boot." Fred starts.

"That is a portkey." George finishes. We all start placing our hands on the boot, except harry. 

"Harry!" I shout, he quickly puts his hand on it.

We start aggressively spinning making me want to vomit. We all kept  bumping into each other, "Let go!" Arthur yells.

"What!" Hermione screams as we all start releasing our grasp from the boot. I land with a thud and hear a groan. I then realize that I had landed on top of someone.

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