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It was a scandalous idea alright.

Yvette was already bad as it was, and the idea of transferring her to this unknown place was not exactly on his list of top best ideas. But considering the situation, Jayden thought it was better than not having anything.

Vadim, on the other hand, was adamant about the idea.

"What other option do we have?" Giselle urged for the umpteenth time. Her words seem to fall on deaf ears. "Are we supposed to wait for her recuperation and then travel to this unknown place? She'll be long gone if we wait!"

Vadim remained with his arms crossed over his chest, eyes looking straight ahead, completely statuesque. That seemed to infuriate Giselle more. Jayden neared her, in hopes of calming her down, although in all honesty, there seemed he could do little to help both calm down.

He turned to look at Rachel, who seemed equally defeated.

They had gone out, a few feet away from the tent; a small attempt to keep from waking Yvette up. But considering how things were escalating right now, Jayden wouldn't be surprised to find Yvette awake when they went back in.

"We don't know the kind of people we will be meeting, and if they even want to help us!" Vadim hissed. "What if she dies on the way? At least here, she has food, water, and a bit of medicine to keep her controlled."

"For how long?" Giselle spat out. "A day or two more? A week? And then what?" She had squared her shoulders, and her hands were placed firmly on her hips, giving Jayden a small reminder of the day, he first laid coffee on her.

Vadim finally turned to face his sister. From where he stood, Jayden could catch a glimpse of his sagged eyes, the small stubble of golden beard that had been growing on his face, and the beat look that hovered over his hooded eyes.

Vadim's internal struggle was brash, and it had everything to do with Giselle and Yvette, the two people that had been there for him when no one else had. The sight made Jayden feel wretched.

Giselle seemed to have perceived it as well, for her voice became softer, almost as if speaking to a frightened child. "You shan't be too preoccupied, Vadim. Yvette is stronger than it may seem and your sister here has proven to be fierce, hasn't she? Besides, if these people are former members of the UNIPO, then they must have some sort of advanced technology that can help her."

Vadim didn't say a word, but rather, continued staring into the eyes of his sister. After a while, he sighed, and his eyes then flitted to Jayden's. His head tilted toward the tent, and Jayden obliged. "You too, Rachel."

Both followed Vadim, and Giselle followed behind.

Entering Jayden's and Vadim's room, Vadim began rummaging through his things until he pulled out a small slick silver oval. Giselle tensed next to him, and he could hear Rachel emit a tiny gasp. Jayden frowned at the small thing until Vadim began to explain what it was.

"This is a small untraceable tracking device I created when I was fourteen. A few months before Giselle and I began planning our escape from the UNIPO. It was a crucial piece to our escape. It can only be tracked by this piece," He showed the oval that lit up with a small screen, "But it's a pain when inserted into your skin." He faced his sister. "I'll be following behind, perhaps with a day's delay. But with one condition: Jayden, please go with her."

"No!" Giselle exclaimed even before Jayden could even think of saying yes. "Are you insane? He's been given an anti-infection and who knows if it'll continue being effective!" She ran a hand through her thick hair. "He could get infected as well!"

Vadim's eyes hardened. "Then take all of the remaining anti infections. After all, Rachel and I will be fine, besides, neither know how to read the military maps on the bubblefloater, much less fly a bubblefloater. Besides, he'll be of some help with Yvette."

Giselle's jaw tightened, and Jayden caught the flicker of fear in her eyes. "Vadim," She whispered, "I can't leave you behind." She vacillated.

Vadim gave her a broad grin, one that made him look youthful. "I'm old enough to beat the bullies now," He chuckled.

Giselle didn't answer. It was almost imperceptible, but Jayden saw it; he was sure that Vadim did too. The way her eyes brimmed with tears and then they were gone. "Fine," She finally gritted out. "Fine, let's be quick then." She stood, brushed off imaginary dust, and left.

"Probably went to check up on Yvette," Vadim explained. "As I said before, this will hurt. It'll burn, but not to worry, it heals fast."

Jayden eyed the small gun-shaped tracker inserter, especially that sharp thick point that seemed to glisten. "Where will it be inserted?" He asked tentatively.

"On the wrist," Vadim said.

"J-just like that?" Jayden muttered, "No anesthesia or anything?"

"Just like that," Vadim replied.

"Make it quick, then." 

Hey guys! Early update 'cause i won't be able to update on sundays anymore so I'll be moving it to saturdays (it will be temporary). Either way, if i don't update on a saturday, I'll most likley be updating on sunday, just a headsup. Anyhow, i hope you guys enjoy this short one, and see y'all next Saturday ♥ - g

PS: do you follow me on insta? I post small poems there, so to my aesthetes out there, check it out!

PS: do you follow me on insta? I post small poems there, so to my aesthetes out there, check it out!

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