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The map had been digitalized, making it hard to comprehend and read.

Rachel cursed under her breath. "Now what?"

Jayden took the small tablet that resembled a camoscreen and began wolfing down the words in it. "Are they coded or something?"

"Seems like it, they don't seem familiar, like the ones they taught back in Potestas. Rather, these symbols seem personalized to fit a different context, and specific people," replied Vadim.

"Goddamn, now what?" Jayden exasperatedly cried.

"Now you listen to me and give me the darned camoscreen."

The trio turned to face the owner of the voice. Lazarus stood at the doorway, hands gloved and khaki pants replaced by thickly layered camouflaging jeans. "I think I was pretty clear when stating that this whole idea of infiltrating the UNIPO was not going to work. So why are you guys here, daring to defy what I say?"

Jayden turned to him; shoulders squared. "You know exactly why. The UNIPO is like death, it craves it all, it desires it all, it will never stop. Before you stand the opportunity to stop them, yet because of one lost battle you all have let your arms and hopes fall. I am not like you. I will not allow my hands to fall."

"Neither will I, they took all that I loved, my mother, my father, and now, my friend. They need to be stopped," Rachel added, drawing close to Lazarus.

Lazarus eyed the two warily, before shaking his head. "Your minds are full of illusions, children. At some point, you guys will have to wake up." He cocked his head toward Vadim. "Follow his example, he knows what life really is like."

He walked out, leaving the three of them alone.

"What does he mean?" Jayden snapped when he was sure Lazarus was gone.

"Life," Vadim said bitterly. "That's what he means."

"What does life have to do with this? Goodness, Vadim, if we don't act soon, life will end for Giselle!" Rachel urged. "Don't you understand anything at all?"

Vadim looked at Rachel. "I understand a lot, Ray. More than what you know. But Lazarus is right, guys. We can't do much for Giselle or Yvette right now. The UNIPO will always win, do you not understand?"

"I understand perfectly!" Jayden agonized, "I understand that life is great for the strongest, the brightest, the most handsome, and I don't, I don't want it to be like that!" he balled his fists and pulled his arms to his sides. "I don't care if it is like that," he glared at Vadim. "I will do what I can to help destroy the UNIPO."

"What exactly can you do now?" Vadim challenged.

"What is your problem? Are you not worried about Giselle?" Rachel questioned, slightly bewildered.

"My problem? You're asking what is my problem?" Vadim's voice deepened considerably, making Jayden draw Rachel near him. "My problem is that Giselle is as good as dead right now and I can't do anything!" His hands seemed to turn paperwhite, as he held them balled tightly against his thighs, and his eyes darkened a few shades darker of blue, offering only an empty view. "It won't matter if I move the sun and the moon, because in the end, in the end, they always do what they want to us, to me," he said the last softly.

Rachel remained quiet, hands clasped together, as she observed Vadim. Taking a step toward him, she was held back by Jayden, yet she still pulled away.

"If they take her away for good, the world will need to know her story. Who is better than you to tell it?" she whispered to him.

"I am just the boy who wanted to be loved. And she, she was the girl who wanted to go home," Vadim whispered. "Where are those two kids now?"

Rachel offered a small smile. "They are still here. And we will make them be heard."

The small computer next to them began to emit a high-pitched wail, and the screen opened up to reveal a live location pulsing in the mountains of Potestas.

"My goodness," Rachel cried.

It was in a blink that Lazarus alongside a few more men filtered into the small computer lab, faces contorted in fury.

"What are you guys doing?" barked Lazarus.

"We have done nothing!" Jayden replied. "We were just talking and that thing just started wailing bloody murder!"

"Move," Lazarus and his men ushered the three away, and pushed them until they couldn't see the computer anymore.

"It can't be, she couldn't have done it that quick," Lazarus murmured to himself.

"Do you think it has something to do with the girl?" one of the men asked.

"The chances are high," Lazarus replied. "Hey, Vadim, come here man."

Vadim obliged and was next to the men in few seconds.

"You see this right here?" Lazarus asked; Vadim nodded. "This is where your sister is kept. You want to know who sent the live location?"

Vadim gave him a knowing look.

"Aye, you're right, she did. That was the second thing that complicated the mission," Lazarus leaned back on the chair he was sitting on and offered Vadim a wider grin. "Yvette fell in love with you guys. You both became her children, and let me tell you something, boy, she will die for you and Giselle if it is needed. Joshua," Lazarus turned to the man on his right; a tall lanky young boy with messy curled hair, thick-rimmed glasses, and swarthy umber skin appeared next to him.

"Tell Miranda that Yvette has given us access. Tell her to prepare a few helicopters and to prepare our best men." He turned back to Vadim. "You and your friends better run off to prepare, my friend. We are going to invade the UNIPO."

"Won't it be risky, sir? Considering the statistics, the Union and Potestas are rapidly preparing to introduce the humanoids to society. Shouldn't we wait?"

"If we wait, the children that Yvette has likely managed to safe keep will be done away with, we don't know how much longer we can wait. The longer the UNIPO keeps that other certified product, the more time they'll have to prepare other children to become like that poor girl."

"Aye sir, I'll be informing Miranda shortly then."

Lazarus turned his attention back to Vadim, Rachel, and Jayden. "Better hurry up then. If you want to come along. If I, like you, I would be helping prepare the provisions and prepping the helis," he sauntered off, leaving them yet again.

"Ready to move the sun and the moon?" Rachel asked Vadim, cold hands wrapping around Vadim's warm arm.

"You sure you want to die trying?" He replied, touching her hands.

"It'll be ironic, won't it?" Jayden chimed in. "Three losers trying to reposition the stars to save a sad flower."

The three shared a melancholic look before exiting the computer labs and heading to help with the helicopters.  

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