Chapter 2

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Chapter Two : The Ghost
July 16th 2560, Military Calendar
July 16th 2251, Local Calendar

3rd POV

Ghost: "Alright what do you got?"

After a good 4 hour sleep in the last 72 hours, Ghost went over to the bridge to see the report from his A.I.

Deku: "From my research, this planet is indeed Earth, but it's different, somehow."

Ghost: "Let me guess, those fuckos down there with stupid powers that would make covvie bastards cry for their mommies?"

Deku: "Yep, looks like the Malfunction catapult us to either a new universe altogether or we're simply in a planet that looks like Earth, named Earth, with humans in it."

Ghost: "..... So I assumed we can't just jump again hoping it would glitch out again and bring us back. So what now?"

Deku: "Actually....."

July 16th, 2251 Local Calendar
2321 Hours

Ghost: "And how the Fuck did the heroes never found them?"

Ghost is currently on top of an apartment, overlooking an abandoned warehouse complex, which are not so abandoned considering one look from above the gate revealed a bunch of thugs inside. He heard from Deku that this is an outpost of a human-trafficking ring that would be easy in n out.

Deku: "Yeah so apparently after checking nearby cameras a few corrupt cops received bribes from the gang not to expose them,and the heroes somehow never caught wind of it."

Ghost: scoff "Was all heroes really that useless?"

Deku: "Well, a few did start investigation but they're insiders warn them so they hide."

Ghost: sigh "Same Shit Different Day."

He makes his way down to the warehouse with his Active Camouflage and not making a sound. While he's at it, he fitted a Suppressor on his M20 SMG and M6H Pistol he's using right now. He's just outside the walls and he climbed up, and landed behind some crates. He pulled a guard next to him and slice off his throat.

With near invisibility, he sneak through the guards he climb the warehouse to the roof. From the glass roof, he could see inside a bunch of thugs but no prisoner in sight. He scan the area and found what looks like a pathway underground, in the corner of the warehouse. He finished off the guard outside the building from the roof before he kicked down the glass roof and storm in. His silenced SMG shooting 5 x 23 AP rd at the bunch of thugs. Unfortunately for then, none of them had any sorts of armor, quirk or otherwise, so the gun easily kill them with one headshot each.

He walk towards the edge of the room where a hatch exist and he detected more people coming up. He wait, and a thug climb out of the hatch and got a .50 to his skull. He fell down and he followed suit, jumping down the Hatch and was greeted by more (soon to be dead)thugs. He pulled a Pamaj and quickly put a .50 or two on the thugs head, all silently without alerting the nearby neighborhood. After dispatching them all, he turn towards a thug who's clutching his leg in pain. He turned on his voice changer, and grab the thug by his neck, and lift himup in the air.

Ghost: "I missed on purpose, where are the prisoners."

Thug: "I-i-i-it's i-i-in the b-b-back."

Having his answer, Ghost proceeded to crush his throat and drop the dead body among the others. He makes his way deeper, and found a door. He kicked it down, and saw 5 children tied to a pole like some animals. The children are clearly terrified he simply put away his Pistol and break the chain. The children seemed shocked, but unfortunately, he can't help them from here. He put down some food down for them to eat.

Ghost: "Help will arrive soon, don't leave yet."

Child1: "B-b-but mister, h-h-h-how about t-t-the b-b-bad guys?"

Ghost: "Their dead, they won't bother you anymore."

Ghost left them there, and they scrambled to get the pack of Oreos.

Ghost went back upstairs, and he 'borrowed' a phone from a dead thug and simply called the police.

Operator: "911 What's your emergency?"

Ghost: "XXXX XXXX."

He hang the call and move out.

2347 Hours, Local Time

The Police and local heroes are surprisingly quick on the job. He can see from the rooftops the police and a hero who looked like a hobo who needs sleep more so than him. They just finish sweeping the compound and rescue the children who's handed off to the cops. Deku makes sure they won't ended up in another trafficking ring by monitoring them in case someone got some bright ideas. Just like planned, the Hero noticed Ghost looking from the building and pointed in his direction and they sped off inside the building. Ghost merely put on his Active Camouflage and walked away.

Aizawa POV

After I pointed at the suspicious figure on top of the building, a few cops followed me to the rooftop where we see, nothing. I look around and saw no one which should be impossible unless whoever it is could disappear into thin air. I turn around and noticed a camera, and I told the cops to get the footage from the apartment. Just before they left, one of them pointed to a drawing of a skull on the door with a text in English that reads,

Do you believe in Ghosts?

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