I'm Sorry

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I tug on Evans arm as I'm aware not everyone new about the situation yet. I guess Emma was smart and didn't tell everyone like we thought she did, and I guess nobody really heard news over the internet either. Evan didn't say anything he just grabbed my hand and continued walking through them until we reached the waiting room. "You okay" he asks. His face was red full of anger. "Yeah, but are you" I ask. "I don't know" he said pacing back and forth through the room. Ryan popped his head in soon after telling Evan it was time for panel. He nodded heading towards the stage. As we met up with the other cast no one really said anything. It was awkward I shouldn't have come.

I stand in the wing as they talk about the new season. I smile because Evan changed his mood immediately when he walked on the stage. Everyone did really. I wasn't mad at the cast and crew for not talking to me I understand how horrible I had been, and I knew people needed time to adjust to such an awkward situation. It was hard telling Ryan why I couldn't be in the next season. He called and offered me the part of Maggie before season three was over when I had just found out about the pregnancy, but I declined and told him I was pregnant. I really appreciated him for not telling anyone.

About thirty minutes had passed and it was time for questions and answers. I looked down at my phone scrolling through Instagram and twitter I beginning to get bored. Suddenly I hear a question. "My questions for Evan. Yeah so is it awkward sitting next to your ex fiancé while you got Taissa pregnant? Oh and I bet your gonna be a good dad" the girl added. I felt my knees get weak. This was worse than the Maury scenario I played out in my head. I saw Evan on a screen. He was looking around his face grew red. I looked at Emma who had tears running down her cheeks "you know, it is awkward. And people do things they shouldn't.Emma, I haven't seen you since I left you at our wedding, and I just want to say I'm sorry. I'm not sorry for getting Taissa pregnant, but I'm sorry for not being a man and ending things with you sooner, and I'm sorry to the whole cast for splitting our little family apart and I'm sorry to you to Tai for making you go behind your friends back and toying with your emotions. I've been a shitty person the last couple months and nobody deserves what I've done to them, but I'll tell you what nothing matters anymore but my little girl. Oh no shit sorry Tai I just gave away the gender" he said honestly. The crowd was Silent for awhile, then they cheered. Emma however was in hysterics, and who could blame her. She took her mic off and walked off the stage. "I'm so sorry" I tell her as she passes. "No don't even fucking say that" she says continuing down the hallway. I start to cry I feel horrible. And now everyone knows I'm here too. The cast kind of clapped but were so weirded out by the whole situation nobody really knew how to act.

Afterward Evan ran straight off the stage to me kissing me "I'm so sorry" he said. "It's okay I forgive you" I hugged him. "Hey missy" Sarah said pulling me into a hug. "Hey" I say. "You should have told me you were pregnant" she smiled. "I know" I say regretful. "How far along" she asks "seven months" Evan interrupted before I could answer. "Way to far along to be traveling" he added. "Oh hush, your not the one pushing the baby out Taissa can do whatever she wants" Sarah said sassily. I laugh "told you so" I smile at Evan. Sarah pulls us to the side. "Between you guys and me, I knew you guys were fucking you were horrible hiders even since season one" she smiled, but then she slapped Evan playfully."what was that for" he asks. "first off learn how to use a condom if you're cheating, and secondly never fucking cheat. Anyways with that being said Taissa you better bring that cutie to set to see her aunt Sarah" she smiled. Reaching out to touch my belly. "I will".

"I'm starving" I say to Evan as were on our way to our hotel. "You're always hungry beautiful" he says. "Well I'm eating for two you know" I say. He laughs "oh believe me I know" he smiled. "I want pizza" "okay you got it I'll order it when we get to the room" he says. I yawn and nod my head. "Today was so awkward" I say. He nods. "Well it was going to get out some how rather it be with you pregnant than you just showing up with a baby" he says. "I guess you're right" I say. " I can't believe Emma didn't tell them I got you pregnant" he says. "for real though" I say. "she's one clever bitch" he said and I nodded. "Okay but I'm sorry how rude of that fan to ask you that" I say In a worked up tone. "I'm actually glad she did I needed to say that" he smiled. "I guess. That was sweet by the way" I say. "Thanks" he kissed me.

When we get to the room I laid down on the bed flicking my shoes off my swollen feet. After Evan orders us pizza he walks over to lay beside me. He starts kissing me over and over. I pull away. "I can't do this it's too awkward" I say. "Ugh fuck I know" he says. "We just haven't had sex the whole month we've been back together and I miss you" he said. "I know I'm just extremely uncomfortable" I say. He nods. "So have you made any decisions about the name" he asks trying to change the subject. "I'm still not sure" I say rubbing my tummy. "Well you know I like Lucy" he said. "I just don't know. I like Lucy, but I also like Avery" I smile. "Well you better decide soon" he says. "Ugh I know"

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