First Night Home

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Two days after I had Avery we were released from the hospital away from all the help, and the luxury of the hospitals nursery. Forced to face the agony of real life parenting, and the dreadful sleepless nights.

As I sit in the backseat of the car watching Avery sleep closely making sure she's still breathing I hear Evan let out a deep breath. "What" I ask, but find out why as soon as a lay eyes on our front porch. "Shit Tai I'm sorry I forgot to tell you" he says. I literally want to cry this moment was supposed to be happy were taking Avery home for the first time, but instead it's ruined by Evan's parents standing outside with suitcases. "god dammit Evan" I say, but that's all I can get out before Evans mom rips  my door open. "Where my granddaughter" she asks in an overly annoying high pitched voice. "In the car seat" I respond trying to be as nice as possible. I jump out of the car and run towards our house. I have to leave this situation before I freak the fuck out. Evan watches me in amazement at the way I was  acting.

"What the fuck your acting ridiculous Taissa" he says following me to the kitchen. "All I wanted is to come home and have a quite memorable first night home with our baby and they have to come ruin it" I say. "um yeah, they are her grandparents" he snaps back. "Whatever". As soon as he was getting ready to continue to yell at me his mom opens the front door with the carrier, and diaper bag. "She's so beautiful" she says with the biggest smile on her face. She places the carrier on the couch unbuckling Avery. "I cannot wait to get her out and hold her" she says. "Mom shes sleeping" Evan stops her. His voice is still angry from me."Evan, she can sleep later" She responds. "No, I want her to sleep, you can wait" He snaps. I nod trying to hold back a laugh since his mother just got in trouble.

This is the first encounter I've had with Evan's father, and what I've learned in the first fifteen minutes is that he's extremely quiet. He doesn't say much it's like hes not even there. "You must be Taissa" he says breaking his silence. "yep that's me" I fake a smile. Obviously I'm Taissa. "Well I've heard so much about you. Its finally nice to meet you" he says. "Same with you" I try to be polite although, I'm raging inside.

I sat through ten minutes of Evan telling them the story about the labor and how the nurses taught him how to feed her formula, and change a diaper. As soon as I was about to head upstairs to take a shower, Avery started screaming and crying. "Someone wants to be included" Evans father said trying to be funny. Nobody laughs, instead Evan runs towards the carrier picking Avery up and rocking her back and forth. "Babe make a bottle" he says. I nod turning to go to the diaper bag to get the formula, but Evan's  mom cuts me off and grabs it. "I got it" she says. "No need to worry Taissa, why don't you go take a nap. I'll take care of things . You look like you could use one" she smiles, but I see right through it. I don't say anything I just walk straight up to our room. Wiping the tears from my face. I climb into our bed and explode with emotion.

How is a first time mom just supposed to leave her new baby down stairs and take a nap. Anxiety imbeds in my body. I feel helpless, and trapped. I don't want anything to happen to her while I'm up here. The jealousy stars too. I can't believe his mom just comes here and takes over.

I sat in the bed for about three hours coming to absurd conclusions as to what could happen to her as she is stuck downstairs with them. Occasionally, I would hear laughter, sometimes voices. I could never make out conversations though I tried. But, the worst was when I would hear Avery burst out with tears those moments were the worst. Listening to her cry, and having no part in comforting her. I just wanted to run down there and snatch her from their hands, and care for her.

Finally, I heard a knock on the door. I quickly I wipe my eyes and make it look like I was completely fine then said "Come in". My eyes light up when the door opens and its Evan holding Avery. "I know your missing her Tai" He says placing her in my arms. I rub her hair and smile. Evan climbs on to the other side of the bed, and places his arm around me.

"Thank you so much, you have no idea how much I missed her" I say leaning in and placing my lips on his. "I'm sorry Tai. My mom can be over the top" he says. " I know, I'm surprised she's not in here right now" "Nah, they went out for dinner. It's just us now" He says leaning over kissing Avery on her tiny head.

We spent the night laying in our bed holding Avery pointing out her features, and laughing at some of the faces she would make. Although, it was a sleepless night Evan and I did get some alone time as she laid in the bassinet beside us. We talked about our past. Laughing about silly thing we used to do. When we were so young and innocent. We kissed like we used to. Although, I totally could have slept with him,and got close to it. We were smart and didn't since the nurse informed us to refrain from sex at all cost because I was extremely fertile. I felt like I was reconnecting with Evan like I did when we were filming Coven. Except this time was a whole lot less stressful because I was faced with no Emma drama. The only girl coming between Evan and I was Avery,but that didn't last for long.

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