Make It Work

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I walked through the front door feeling like a major bad ass. I flicked Emma off and it's really not like me. Honestly, I could get used to this whole being a bitch to Emma thing. Although, I can't let it get too out of hand. I have to keep everything a secret.

I look around and spot sarah waving for me to come over. It took a couple minutes because I had to make my rounds meeting all the new people and saying hi to all the people who worked on season one, but I finally managed to get to sarah. She was surprisingly in a good mood after we booth got in so late last night. She was talking to Lily and Gabourey Sidibe who I've yet to meet.

"Hey" I said "you made it" she replied " you look like you got way more sleep then I did" I responded then I looked over at Gabourey and introduced myself I felt like I was ignoring her and Lily even though I just started to talk to Sarah. Gabourey seemed nice she was extremely funny I knew she would get along with us just fine. "Taissa you look great so much more mature" Lily said "thank you It's been forever since I've seen you guys you look great as well" I turn hearing Ryan calling for us all to meet in the living room.

"okay guys I want to go over a few rules. First things first no set pictures on social media until I say further we are trying to keep a lot of things secret this year. Also, each person is getting their first script passed around and in the envelope with it is all the things you can say about the show and your character to interviewers it will also have your individual schedule in it, and lastly I will be meeting with some people individually or in groups so the first person I want to see is Lily, lets make this a great year" I clapped with the rest of the crew then I excused myself to grab a drink from the kitchen where they had breakfast foods and drinks.

While I was pouring some coffee I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to surprisingly see Evan. What could he possibly want? I had to act casual because some of the crew members were also in the kitchen "hey taissa" he said kind of nervously. He should be nervous I thought "hi" I responded quickly " Ryan wants to meet with us" " oh okay thanks" then he turned and walked away. I was Angry not a how are you doing or a I'm sorry about what happened just a we have a meeting. I was hurt i couldn't wait to just get back to my hotel and let it all out.

I walked into an office looking room and I found Evan and Emma sitting across from Ryan. I awkwardly looked around wondering if it would be better to sit next to emma or evan so I decided standing would be the best option.

" okay guys I want to talk to you about a few things" oh god, He knows what happened, this is going to be terrible i don't know who told him but "evan and taissa will as I pitched to you guys on the phone be a couple again... Sort of, so since we have Emma on set I just want you to know I will make sure we respect your relationship and make it work" MAKE IT WORK... At least he didn't know but make it work this is a television show and were going to just accommodate for two people wow " also Taissa you and Emma should get together you have many scenes together and it would be good for you two to get to know each other better" gross I thought to myself but I nodded " yeah that would be awesome, come put your number in my phone" Emma said I knew she was lying but I walked over forcing a smile and put my number in then I said bye to Ryan and everyone.

As I walked out the door to get in a taxi someone pulled me by my arm. Evan again what the hell. "hey no hard feelings the past is the past"

" yeah sure" I responded

"good me, you, and Emma should get dinner ill have her text you"

again gross

" okay cool bye" I practically ran and jumped in taxi to get out of that conversation.

For Everything A Reason: A Parmiga Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now