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I woke up in the bed next to Evan. Last night couldn't have been more perfect. I slid out of the bed and put my clothes on and put my hair up in a messy bun. I walked downstairs to get Gracie and let her outside. Evans house had a fenced in back yard so I opened the back door and let her run around. I went to the kitchen and I noticed the small present still unopened. Evan must have forgotten I thought to myself, so I grabbed the present and let Gracie inside I ran up the stairs and Gracie followed. I jumped on Evans bed and I grabbed Gracie because she was to small to jump. She ran over and started licking his face. He jumped up " Tai what are you doing" he said with a smile while petting Gracie "you forgot to let me open this last night" I said holding up the small box. "I got caught up over how sexy you looked last night" he said. "Shut up" I laughed "open it" he demanded. I ripped it open and pulled out a silver chain with a heart on it "awe thank you Ev" I responded "look more closely" he told me. It had always engraved on the side of it "I love it" I said and gave him the biggest kiss. "So my friend Dan texted me last night at dinner, he wants me to go to this party he's throwing tonight wanna go" he asked while putting the necklace on me. "that asshole Dan, no way". "Tai please, for me" he pouted "fine" I said.
As we walked up to the door Evan laid down the law "were not dating here remember" he demanded "I know" I wined. But I leaned in to give him a kiss, with a little tounge so he wouldn't forget about me. Evan knocked on his friends door some random person answered "Evan ready to get hammered" the guy who opened the door screamed "fuck yes" evan responded. The guy was totally checking my out it was disgusting, and the sad thing is Evan noticed and didn't say anything. He even gestured to the guy like yeah get some. It was Pathetic. "Hey Taissa I'm gonna go find where dan is ill catch up with you later" evan screamed over the loud music. I nodded my head I figured he wouldn't be too long I walked into the kitchen to grab a drink and almost had a panic attack Emma Roberts was in Dans kitchen. I pulled out my phone to text Ashely because she was gonna flip. "Hey can I get a picture with you"I asked. "Umm yeah I guess" she responded. I pulled up my phone and snapped a quick picture. I got a drink fast because she obviously thought I was a creep. I walked out of the living room. I sat in a chair off to the side "hey" the guy who opened the door sat down "hi" i replied "are you here with anyone" the guys asked. "No" I responded. Yes. "Wanna go on a walk" the guy asked "no thanks" I responded "whatever" he said and walked off. It made me sick that Evan probably gave him the hint to come over and talk to me.Drink after drink, hour after hour I waited for Evan to come find me. I was starting to get extremely pissed that he made me come and just left me alone by myself at this huge party. I walked around the party looking for him and then I finally found him talking and laughing with Emma I decided not to interrupt him but I guess he noticed me and pulled me into a empty room he locked the door. He started kissing me on my neck and making out with me I pushed him off, unlocked the door and ran out of there Id walk home for all I cared. I pushed my way threw the people and found the front door the whole time Evan ran behind me. He was really drunk and probably high too. "Tai where are you going" he screamed "I'm going home so get in the car or stay here I don't care" I responded. He walked over and got in the passenger seat. I had some drinks but I was defiantly not shit faced like Evan. When we got home I immediately walked to get Gracie I took her into my room and shut the door in Evans face . The whole time I did this he walked behind me telling me he "just wanted to talk" he continued while I was in my bed, so I put my head phones in and drifted to sleep.
The next morning I was still pissed off. So, I decided to blow of some steam. I walked over to my dresser and put on my Nike shorts and a tank top I slipped on my tennis shoes grabbed my head phones, and put Gracie on a leash. I slipped out the door I didn't want him to know I was awake. I ran with Gracie for two hours, and finally noticed she was worn out. When I got home Evan was sitting on the couch ready to go film. "Tai where have you been" he asked "why would you care" I asked. "What the fuck is wrong with you" he asked "ok" I rolled my eyes and started walking to my room "Stop being ridiculous" he said "me I'm not the one who made me go to a party got shit faced and left me alone for like 5 hours then tried to take me into some random room to fuck" I screamed "Tais I didn't mean to I wasn't thinking" he apologized "I can't believe you" I said with tears running down my face. He jumped up and gave me kisses and hugs and apologized over and over. I began to laugh, I can't stay mad at him just look at him. We were going to be together for ever I knew it.

For Everything A Reason: A Parmiga Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now