Scars Run Deep

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Hey everyone here's chapter three I really hope you enjoy if you do vote and comment love y'all 💖

Did not proofread

Miracle just sighs lying down on the plane they were taking home. Keeping a watchful eye on Angelina as they did he did so. That girl was horrible news, yet no one else seemed to notice it. He looked to long scar that was on his mind back leg the one that had almost made him lame in that one leg. Faith looks to the white dog worriedly he had been silent the whole flight and he hadn't slept a wink it made her worry, "Miracle you okay?" Faith asks nuzzling her boyfriend who suddenly got a far off look which she realized meant a calling. Meanwhile Miracle let his guard down as a calling came crashing on him.

It was icy and cold the wind blowing the snow that was already on the ground around. A small white puppy which Miracle knew as himself was sitting by a brown wolf. "I wonder where ma went! The white dog asked the wold pup that seemed like only a few minutes older then he. Ma twold us it not swafe she said she scouting out the wand! The wolf barked out as a black wolf came to brown one. "Sista dangow ma said we weave!" The black one says as the mother looked to the puppies. That's right girls run you'll be safer without us the mother says as a grey white dog that looked like a puppy version of Marvel says, "Ma why they have to weave?" Making the mom sigh, there is so much you don't know young ones so much you don't know. Don't worry though you'll see your friends again. Four when the four elements meet, everything will be at peace. The sacrifice will be made and what once was lost will be saved. Suddenly fire came out if where. Water stopped it the wind blew the ash and snow covered the ground.

Miracle shakes off the calling looking to Faith. How he wish Marvel was here he was probably the other one who had it. That was them, a really young them, but who were the wolves? He didn't remember having wolf friends.

"Miracle, snap out of it!" Both Faith and Hope bark at the same time making Miracle shake his head again before slowly walking to Zeke who was sleeping even though he had survived the death date Miracle still panicked when he saw Zeke asleep. He then walked back to Faith and Hope. "Sorry I had a calling..." Miracle started when Michaela's phone started ringing Miracle quickly grabbed it as he knew it was most likely Olive and his brother. "Hey Marvel I'm guessing you had that calling too?" Miracle asks as Marvel nods, "Yeah do you have any idea who the wolves?" Marvel asks Miracle who shook his head, "I don't know." Miracle says as Marvel nods, "Who's the girl you saved?" Marvel asks as Miracle sighs you'll see when we get there."


A few hours later Miracle and them got back to Ben's house. Waiting for Marvel to see Angelina and blow up. That when he heard his brothers paw treading towards him instantly seeing Angelina and backing up "This can't be happening Marvel says glaring to Angelina try to conceal his powers that personally wanted to drown her. "Well it is bro."

Miracle says also glaring at the girl as he looked to Marvel,"Hey bro let's go to the river at least we don't see her there." Miracle barks as Marvel nods, "Anything to get away from her." Marvel murmurs as they began walking, not noticing the two females following behind them. As both females knew something was up and wanted to talk to the males.

The walk there was silent only the branches blowing and the birds whistling. Both male dogs were to busy remembering the horrible things that Angelina did. She was worse than Fleet was and that says a lot as Fleet killed their parents. That was when Miracle and Marvel learned, what an outcast was. The day Angelina threw rocks at tem how some of those scars still remained she was a lunatic. And they were glad they had escaped. They thought they wouldn't see her again but sadly that wasn't the case. Both dogs sat down at the river letting their paws glow and water and ice surround them. "Hey what are you doing Faith asks as she and Hope slid across the ice Miracle had made.

Miracle and Marvel just look at one another and sigh, "Just enjoying the quiet." Marvel says lying down on grassy ground. "What's going on with you two, why do you hate Angelina?" Hope asks as Marvel and Miracle looked at the two females. "We told you she's bad news and if it were our house I wouldn't  let Angelina near Eden." Marvel says looking to Hope as he then looked to his back.

"Your assuming an awful lot." Faith says with a huff as both dogs sigh before nodding at each other. "We know her okay! She may have been on the plane, but she must have teleported back for a time, because when we were five months old she was there. She found Marvel and I, and took us in. Marvel and I were originally so happy as we were lone stray puppies at that time, but Angelina was worse then anything else we had been through." Miracle started as Marvel picked up the story.

Angelina figured out about our powers and started abusing us she called us monsters said that we would never belong anywhere. She brought a small knife and left scars that we'll never forget. Thankfully she disappeared one day and we ran off afterwards deciding that we would be better for us to be alone. Five months later we met Zeke who we didn't trust at first, but after some time learned to trust. But we have never forgotten Angelina, and now she's back, and I don't think she recognize us but we sure do recognize her cause the scars she gave us run so deep that we can never forget them."

Marvel says nuzzling into his brother while Miracle growled, "Please heed our warning she is bad new." Miracle barked as Faith looks at them with sympathy, "I'm sorry about that but Angelina has probably changed since then, you need to get over the things of the past."  Faith says as Marvel sighs, of course they wouldn't understand. "Please just leave us alone for a bit we'll be back later. " Miracle says  as he and Marvel walk a bit farther away out of ear shot. "I have a very bad feeling about this Marvel says looking at his back paw which still had the whitish blue scar that was one that Angelina gave him. As Marvel had a light green one on his back. "I wish Faith and Hope could understand that when you go through as much as we did. You can't get over it especially with Angelina." Miracle says as Marvel nods.

"Yeah and people like her don't change." Marvel says as they continued to walk. They didn't want to go anywhere near Angelina, but they really didn't have a choice especially if Hope is going to be watching her. They would have to survive the mini anxiety attacks that they would have. Marvel and Miracle had to this, because if Hope and Faith turned a blind eye and let the darkness abide. It would be them who would protect the family they had too. They could feel Angelina intentions they weren't good.

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