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We swore off the hard stuff forever and started to listen to Harmony more we just stuck to Bazooka bubble gum. The say we all got back together for some baseball, was the day I got us into the biggest pickle of all time. And it all started with an omen.

Benny was getting up to bat, Harmony had her mitt on her hand on right field waiting for Benny to hit the ball. Benny pitched the ball and we heard a huge crack. Bigger than before, we saw the ball in the sky until the ball was just guts. Scotty looked down at his glove as he caught the ball and dropped it on the ground.

All the kids were around the gutted ball,
"Don't believe it."

"Bitchin'" said Squints.

"Nah it ain't." Benny said just mad that he broke the ball they just bought.

"That's insane. Its gotta be an omen." Harmony Royal says.

"Come on Benny man. Maybe two or three guys in history ever busted the guts out of a ball." Squints says.

"All's it means is that we can't play no more. Its only 12 and I just ruined the day for us." Benny says unamused.

"No you didn't thats the most amazing thing I ever saw." Said DeNuez.

"Yeah its awesome. Benny do be so hard on yourself, that right there is a god damn omen! I just know it!" Harmony says pointing at the ball. She couldn't believe it, Benny had gutted a ball with one swing.

"Anybody got any money?" Benny asked still wanting to play Baseball.



"Than it ain't okay, cause now we can't play no more." Benny says disappointed.

"Yeah we can." Scotty spoke up.

"You got 98 extra cents lying around at home Smalls?"

"Nah but I got a ball."

"Go get it!" Said all the guys.



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