19. High school sweethearts

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"What are you wearing?" He asked through the phone.

In most situations I would've rolled my eyes and told Harlan to fuck off but I could tell by his tone he was dead serious.

"I'm wearing my dress which you should know since I'm literally walking out of my apartment coming to get you. You should be wearing your suit and you should be ready by now." I told him.

"Ok I'm almost ready I just need to put on my tie. But I can't pick which one, what color is your dress? I want to match."

This time I did roll my eyes.

"This is a wedding not prom Harlan. Just pick a tie and get ready I'm leaving to come get you now." I grabbed my bag with extra clothes and some things I needed for the overnight.

I had booked out a hotel room since I figured I was going to get drunk and it was definitely easier to to sleep there instead of doing the hour long drive after the reception.

"Please? Just like send me a quick pic or something." He pleaded with me.

"You are unbelievable." I groaned and hung up.

I took a picture of me in my dress and sent it to him. I couldn't help myself and I added a text telling him to hurry up and if he wasn't ready by the time I was there I was going without him. It was a lie, I couldn't imagine anything worse than going to this wedding without him.

His reply came in almost immediately.

Harlan- Stunning! Can't wait to see it in person. I'm currently tying this tie as fast as I can just for you ;)

I decided against answering the text. The flirting from Harlan was nothing new. I was used to this sort of back and forth. It meant nothing to him at least. I told myself I'd back off a bit and try to keep things super platonic between us.

And so far it was going great, he was my date to this wedding and if that didn't scream friendship I don't know what does.

I made sure to double check the address a few hundred times before leaving and as Harlan and I sat in my car staring at the venue in front of me. To say I was nervous was a huge understatement.

I had no idea what I was walking into. And that scared me more than anything else.

"So you got a game plan? I was thinking high school sweethearts, married straight out of college."

I have Harlan a questioning glance.

"What are you talking about?"

"How you are going to introduce me." He grinned widely.

"You are my date. I'll say this is Harlan my date." I deadpanned.

"What if they ask if we are dating?" He pressed.

"I'll say no we're just friends."

"Ouch." He grabbed his chest as if he was in pain.

"What is wrong with you." I rolled my eyes.

I didn't expect that Harlan would be an easy date. He made everything more than it had to be. More difficult, more fun, more annoying.

"I just got shoved violently into the friend zone." He groaned still acting as if he was injured.

"Are you ever serious?" I asked him.

While I appreciated the distraction that Harlan always seemed to provide I could also use someone to get serious and just tell me it would all be okay. It wasn't often that Harlan was that person for me. Maybe that is one of the reasons him and I just wouldn't work.

"When I want to be." He shrugged.

I decided against answering. I wanted to just tell him to please be serious right now. I need a pep talk or anything to try and calm the nerves rushing through my body right now. I wanted to tell him exactly what I needed but I closed my mouth and just sat there in silence.

"Ok so we aren't dating? We don't live together in a cute one story house with a dog that we call our child because we aren't ready to commit to a real baby?" I turned to look at him to see the usual goofy expression on his face.

Why did I even bother thinking that Harlan would be a good support system? I needed comfort and reassurance not jokes and pushing me past the brink of annoyance. I could've brought anyone with me and of course I had to bring Harlan.

I could've been in love with anyone but yet here I was heart stuck on the one guy that drove me to insanity.

"You are my date, here to give me support." I shot him a stern look.

"Just follow my lead, I am definitely better at coming up with background stories than you are." With that he just hopped out of the car ready to go into the madness.

I could've chosen anyone but Harlan.

"You coming?" Harlan popped my door open and just stared down at me.

"Yeah." I nodded with a deep breath I pulled myself from the car.

The closer we got the more I felt like I was going to throw up. What would my father say to me?

"You okay?" Harlan wrapped an arm around my shoulder squeezing it gently.

"Let's get this over with?" I forced a smile.

"I'm right here." He assured me giving me one of his many dazzling smiles.

Of course Harlan would get serious now right as we were about to walk in. I was being hard on him, I knew it but my brain was on autopilot, it wanted to find something wrong with Harlan. But at this moment I could not think of one because he was here, smiling at me and his arm was around me.

His arm fell and he pressed his hand to the small of my back as he guided me through the doors into the venue.

Here we go, this was it.

I couldn't turn back now. I was doing this.

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