Bonus chapter 3: jealousy jealousy

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Harlan's POV: (jades wedding)

All I could think about was her. I wasn't expecting it. I saw her face every time I closed my eyes and when I opened them they found her easily in the crowd.

She was everywhere and yet my whole body wished she wasn't. I didn't think I could survive this type of torture.

It had been a full year since I'd last seen her. A year of trying to ignore every urge to call her or ask my sister how she was doing. But I never did. I didn't want to know how amazing her life was without me in it.

So walking into that room ready to see my sister on her wedding day it had took everything in me not to fall apart at the blonde behind her. Ava just sat there looking more beautiful than she had in every memory I had tried to conjure up over the years.

Sitting there in front of me I had been left speechless for a second. But I had to shake it off and then I talked to her just needing to hear her voice even if it was to tell me to fuck off.

And standing there next to her it seemed to fix it all. My heart just put itself back together with just one look at her. I had to force myself to leave the room just to stop myself from confessing how much I had missed her, how much I loved her.

The whole ceremony I couldn't take my eyes off of her. I watched the whole time as she smiled at the couple at the alter and tried to hold back her happy tears. I just stared at her counting down the seconds until it was over just so I could talk to her again.

Maybe I'd get to dance with her like we did that night we had gotten married. I wanted to feel her in my arms again even if it was just for a second.

Seeing her again made all the loneliness and waiting as she stayed away worth it. I was happy I had never caved and asked my sister about her best friend because here she was and I could ask her everything I wanted to know myself.

I had felt like I was on cloud nine for the whole ceremony and I should have known that wouldn't last. That the rug would be ripped out from under me and I'd go falling all the way down into my own hell.

Because once the ceremony was over that's when I noticed him for the first time.

Ava hadn't come to the wedding alone.

She met up with him and let him easily pull her into his arms just like I had longed to hold her every night. And if that wasn't torture enough I had to watch as he talked to her and made her smile. Then he twisted the knife right into my heart as he leaned down and kissed her lips like I had never been able to do.

What did this guy have that I didn't? Was he the type of guy that Ava wanted? He looked so put together and nice. She smiled at him and there was no bickering or eye rolls.

She didn't react the way she did with him like she did with me. And my heart felt like it was being ripped out of my chest. Every aspect of our relationship that I craved more than anything it was everything she seemed to not want. She didn't want a guy like me, she wanted a guy like him.

And I wanted nothing more than to be able to go back and change it all. To be the type of guy she'd want just so I could be the one standing next to her.

I wanted to be the one to hold her hand, kiss her lips, sleep next to her every night. This guy was getting everything I had ever wanted and it was killing me. I wanted to be close to her, I needed to hear her voice.

I needed her to tell me that whoever this guy was he wasn't the one for her. Please just anyone but him. I needed time to put myself back together before she broke me completely.

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