Bonus chapter 1: The drunken mistake

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Harlan's POV: (the first wedding)

How did I get here?

I was standing at the alter staring at the girl opposite from me as she beamed at me with excitement. That had to be the drunkenness. If she was sober I expected that my proposal would have gone very differently.

But we were drunk and even now as I thought back on exactly what happened at the bar and how we got here it seemed patchy. That wasn't a good sign for how I was going to feel in the morning.

The guy next to us was talking but I wasn't really paying attention. I couldn't focus on anything other than Ava.

My future wife.

She was going to kill me tomorrow. It was almost enough for me to step away and not let this drunken mistake happen but I wanted it so badly. If this was all I was ever going to get then I wasn't going to walk away now.

"Harlan." She kicked me lightly.

"Whaa-?" I slurred and swayed slightly as I looked around.

Shit I was drunker than I thought. I really wanted to remember all of this in the morning. I never wanted to forget this moment. Her looking so beautiful across from me, smiling at me, marrying me.

I didn't want to forget the best moment of my life.

"You have to say I do." She giggled.

"Oh right." I grinned and nodded. "Yes I do."

The guy turned to look at Ava and asked her the same question he apparently asked me.

Her smile never slipped off her face as the words I do slipped from her lips.

"We're married." I cheered throwing my hands up in the air with excitement.

"What about the rings? Put mine on." She threw her left hand at me.

"Oh right." I pulled the blue ribbon out of my pocket.  "Is it time?" I asked the guy.

"Yeah exchange rings, or ribbons." He waved us along.

I slid the ribbon under her ring finger and tied it in a bow, well at least I tried to.

"Shit this is hard." My eyes blurred as I tried to get the ribbon tied around her perfect finger.

After a few more seconds with no luck I turned to the guy with a defeated look.

"How do you tie a bow?" I groaned.

"Do you need me to do for you?" He asked unamused.

"No you can't put on her ring, she's my wife not yours." I argued.

How dare he try to steal my girl. He was the worst guy that married people ever.

"You can just knot it." Ava offered.

"I'll get it." I shook my head trying to make the loops again.

After a few more tries there was finally a crooked bow right on her finger.

"Perfect." I grinned widely.

"It really is." Ava looked down at it and her eyes sparkled.

This was the most perfect night ever.

I loved her.

Maybe I should have said that in my vows. Wait did we even say vows?

I'm not sure but it didn't matter at the moment because we were married.

"Do me! Do me!" I stuck out my hand to her.

It took her a significantly less amount of time to tie my ring to my finger. She was like an expert bow maker.

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