36. Normal got boring

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"Don't just drop it in the entry way." I sighed as Jaxon dropped the two boxes he was carrying right as he walked into my apartment.

"They're heavy." He complained pushing them forward with his feet.

"How much shit is left?" I questioned.

"Behind you." Jade called out carrying in another box.

"Babe! I told you not to carry anything." Kieran was out of the kitchen in a blink rushing over to his wife to take the box.

"Oh relax it's just linens." She just rolled her eyes.

Kieran was being crazy protective over his wife now that she is carrying their baby. It was sweet but I could tell Jade was ready to smack him sometimes with how overboard he could get.

"Thank you guys for all helping us." I smiled thankful for all our friends being here for us.

"I'm only here because Harlan promised me food." Jaxon teased.

"This is the last of it." Harlan carried in the last two boxes and I let out a sigh of relief.

Moving him in was a little more of a task than I had expected it to be. Who knew he had so much stuff.

"Where are you guys putting all this?" Jade looked at everything that was cluttered throughout my apartment.

"We will figure it out." Harlan said looking over at me with a smile.

Seeing the slight concern on my face he walked over to pull me against him.

"Thinking about changing your mind?" He asked me.

There was more than one question there. It's wasn't just about moving in.

"No you're stuck with me." I assured him and when his face lit up with joy I knew there was no doubts in my mind that we were doing the right thing.

"I love you." He said softly to me before kissing me quickly.

"I love you." I replied.

It hadn't really sunk in yet. Even with all the boxes around us.

Harlan and I were going to be living together.

All his stuff was here. Tonight we'd be going to be getting into bed together. It was going to be the first of forever. I'd have Harlan sleeping next to me every night for the rest of my life.

This was it. This was our big moment.

Well not quite. That moment had still yet to happen.


He'd be mine forever soon.

"Are you sure you don't want to do something for your birthday?" Jade asked for what seemed like the millionth time since she found out I wasn't spending the day with my family like I had planned.

"I got it covered sis. The perfect birthday for the perfect girl." He winked at me.

"You're annoying." I playfully shoved him. "I'm happy to spend the day with Harlan and his dumb plans he's got up his sleeve. We will do dinner with everyone the day after to celebrate my birthday and the little one." I gestured to my best friends stomach.

"So you're not going to see your family at all?" I could see the gears shifting in Jade's head.

I knew she wanted to step in and fix things in my life. She was always one to want to help whenever she could. And it wasn't like I didn't want to fix everything with my mom. It wasn't even really a thing. I was hurt that she took my fathers side but I wasn't mad at her. I just needed to take the step to call her.

I'd do it soon.


"Harlan and I plan on spending Sunday at the house."

While I had decided on not spending the whole three day weekend with my family I still wanted to see them. Travis was starting school in a week and I wanted to spend some time with him before things got busy for the both of us.

"Is this the first time you're bringing Harlan home as your boyfriend?" Jade's eyes went wide.

"He's met my family." I waved it off.

Was I nervous to bring him home? No.

Ok maybe just a little. The last thing my mom and Bennett knew of Harlan was our drunken wedding. It didn't seem like the best way to make a good impression. I didn't really know where that whole thing changed how my family saw Harlan. I had never bothered to ask and now I was kicking myself for it.

"When's the last time you brought anyone home?" Jade pressed.

I don't know why she even bothered asking. She knew the answer.

"Never." I muttered slightly embarrassed of the answer.

Harlan whipped his head over to me.

"You didn't tell me that!" He looked only slightly panicked.

"Well now you know."

"I'm the first guy they are going to meet?"

"And the last." I leaned up to press a kiss to his lips hoping it would help calm us both.

"That's a lot of pressure to put on a guy."

"You have nothing to be nervous about. They already like you." I assured him.

"Yeah but I got you drunk then convinced you to get married to me." He seemed to just be remembering that fact.

He looked slightly paler than what he usually did.

"Harlan it's going to be ok." I tried to calm him down.

"What if they hate me?" He questioned.

"I'm your girlfriend and I love you so that's all that matters." I grabbed his face with both my hands and forced him to look at me.

The second our eyes locked that seemed to get him to relax a bit.

"I just want everything to be perfect." He said softly.

"It is." I replied.

"It is isn't it?" He grinned and leaned down to kiss me.

It was Harlan and I no matter what.

I knew my family would love Harlan. Even if my mom was still upset about the whole drunken wedding thing I was happy and that's all that really mattered. She'd see that he made me happy and nothing else would matter.

Well there was a pretty big chance that bringing Harlan home was going to be a mess.

But crazy wasn't anything new for us. Normal got boring after awhile.


I went on a trip this weekend and I'm so sleep deprived I think I might die. But I've been writing a bunch for this story and I just really love it all. I don't want to stop writing these two and it's going to hurt a little bit when this story is finally finished.

Anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter and if you did don't forget to comment and vote!

-Cora Leigh

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