18. Pulled a knife

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I was slumped out on the couch. After a long day at work all I wanted to do was lay out and watch a terrible movie. That plan was quickly interrupted by the sound of my phone ringing.

"Hello?" I answered not even bothering to look at who it was.

"What are you doing right now?"

I pulled the phone away to look at the contact. I had thought it was Harlan's voice but it seemed unreal that he was actually calling me and asking me what I was doing. But I guess something changed, he was going to be my date for the wedding. Maybe this made us friends now. Either way I told myself I was going to try with him, he didn't deserve how I treated him.

"Well do you want the overly detailed super interesting answer or the quick and simple one that will bore you to sleep?" I teased.

"Obviously the overly detailed one." I could hear his grin through the phone.

"Ok so I'm currently laying on my couch. I have my favorite fuzzy socks on because my air conditioning is on blast and I don't feel like getting up to turn it down. Before you called I was scrolling through badly ranked movies trying to decide what I wanted to watch and then I was going to order a pizza that I would stuff my mouth with as I watched my very bad movie." I told him.

"Badly ranked movie?" He questioned.

"Yep it's my favorite pass time. Lately I started watching bad shark movies. Last week I watched a movie about a shark that had acid that sprayed out of a spout on his forehead. It was incredibly terrible and very entertaining all at the same time."

"I'm cooking dinner right now. I have way too much food and I could use an extra mouth at the table if you wanted to sacrifice the pizza for the night. I might even watch one of these shark movies with you if you're lucky." Harlan offered.

"Dinner and a movie?" I raised my eyebrows even though he couldn't see it.

It sounded like a date. Maybe it wasn't, maybe it really was just him having extra food. I couldn't get my hopes up.

"Dinner and maybe a movie." He corrected me.

"Make the movie a for sure yes and then I'll consider it." I countered.

"You make life exciting Ava Martin. I'll have the tv on and ready for when you show up."

I couldn't wipe the smile off my face. Even as I tried to lower my hopes I couldn't stop the way my heart beat in my chest. Harlan wanted to spend time with me, that was a good sign right?

"I'm keeping the fuzzy socks on." I said basically agreeing to dinner.

"I can't wait to see them." He laughed.

I said my goodbyes and raced to my room to make myself look more presentable. I didn't want to look like I was trying too hard but I still wanted to look good. Maybe tonight would be the night I finally told him. I took a deep breath, I could do this.

I felt nothing but nerves as I knocked on Harlan's door. I had no clue what would happen tonight.

"Ava!" The person on the other side of the door was definitely not Harlan and before I could even speak I was being picked up and squeezed in a hug.

"Hi Jaxon." I smiled up at the tall guy.

"It's been too long." He wrapped an arm around my shoulder pulling me into another hug.

As much as I had missed Jaxon seeing Harlan's roommate was not really what I had expected for the night. My hopes had been high but I guess with Harlan I should have learned by now.

"Jaxon will you let her in already!" I heard Harlan yell from somewhere in the apartment.

"Don't get your panties in a twist I was just saying hi!" Jaxon yelled back at him.

"Something you can do after letting her in!"

"Sorry about him he gets cranky when he's in the kitchen." Jaxon laughed as he let me in their apartment.

"I'm surprised I didn't even know he cooked."

I couldn't hide my surprise as I walked into the kitchen. Harlan was basically dancing around the small space as he dumped some chicken pasta dish into three bowls. I hadn't known Harlan to be a guy that really cooked at all. But standing here I couldn't deny what I was seeing and smelling. The smell, god that was probably my favorite part.

"It's a newer thing, he cooks all the time and while my stomach is super happy about that fact he gets obsessive with it sometimes. I tried to sample something he was making once and he pulled a knife out on me." Jaxon teased.

"That's such a lie. I was spreading butter on the rolls and I turned with a butter knife in hand and told you to go away." Harlan grabbed at the hand towel next to him and threw it at his roommate.

"Basically the same thing." Jaxon shrugged.

"Well it smells delicious." I smiled.

"Thanks cutie." Harlan winked at me.

"You're welcome." Jaxon answered.

"I obviously wasn't talking to you idiot." Harlan rolled his eyes.

"Sorry I got confused, I thought I was your only cutie."

I had to bite back my laughter at the bickering between the two guys. While I was disappointed that my expectations for the night were ruined at the reality it wasn't going to be just me and Harlan I couldn't deny the fact I was enjoying my time with the two of them.

"I'm going to punch you if you don't stop." Harlan groaned.

"You know I'd like that." Jaxon joked.

"I'm done, here." He shoved one of the bowls into Jaxons hands.

"When do I get my movie?" I questioned reaching for one of the other bowls.

"Be patient, it's dinner then a movie." Harlan walked up right behind me placing his hand on my shoulders and he steered me straight to the table.

"You should know I'm not known for being patient." I couldn't stop smiling in his presence.

"I know. I'm glad you decided to come over." Harlan looked down at me his smile matching the one that was spread across my own face.

Me too. I couldn't voice how happy I was I decided to come over. Even without the alone time I wanted, every moment with Harlan was perfect. I wouldn't let the voice in my head ruin this night for me. Even if Harlan didn't care for me the way I did for him, this night made it obvious that I was much happier with him in my life than not.

I could control my feelings.


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