Maple Leaves

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You blankly stare at your primogems and intertwined fates as your friends beckon you to roll for Kazuha.

"Can I just single roll this? I got really early pity just single rolling." You whine as your mouse hovers over the two pulling buttons.

"Single roll 101 fates?! No, just ten pull!" Rylan urged.

"C'mon just roll. You're guaranteed Kazuha, so just roll" Your friend, Matthew, said impatiently as he yawned.

"(Y/N), I woke up for this. I was sleeping and woke up because I thought 'oh crap (Y/N) needs to roll'." Rylan's tired voice was heard through the call you were in.

"Okay fine." Reluctantly, you clicked on the ten pull. You watched your pity rise. 10... 20... 30... 50... 70... Then finally, the long-awaited gold star had come. Holding your breath, you waited for all the items to come in. When you saw Kazuha, you were very excited and everyone had finally stopped complaining.

"Okay, I'm done for the night, it's late." There was a series of goodbyes and goodnights as you logged off your computer. Tomorrow, you were going to grind for a few more things for the Samurai boy.

. . .

The next morning, you awoke to a notification from your phone. Half-awake, you cracked open your curtains to find a soft breeze carrying a few maple leaves. There were a few maple trees in the forest, but there was no way maple leaves could have floated so far.

You check your notification. Two of them to be exact. Usually, your parents give you one notification for good morning, but today, there were two. Groggily, you reach for your device and check the message.



Good morning, I left breakfast in the pot for you <3

There is someone coming to the house this afternoon. He is my friend's son. We'll be hosting him for a month, so please make him feel at home. Also, prepare the guest room for him, please. Thank you. Love you. <3

7:23 AM

Your eyes widened at the mention of someone coming to live with you guys. The first thought was your friend from another country. You had only met him a few times and weren't really close to him. Nonetheless, you felt you could no longer sleep due to the news. Crawling out of bed, you got yourself ready for the day. From now on, you couldn't just walk around in your pyjamas, you actually had to change. Whether it be a sweater or a tank top, there was no way you could look like a goblin when the boy arrived.

After making yourself look presentable but comfortable, you opened the guest room closet to bring out sheets and pillow covers. There shouldn't have been an available guest room due to your parents sleeping in separate beds, but you pushed most of your stuff from your study room aside. Dragging an extra mattress from your dad's room, you slipped on the mattress covers and placed a light blanket along with fluffy pillows. It's a lot hotter upstairs than it is downstairs, but this was one of the cooler rooms compared to your own.

Finally, you had taken a break and gotten breakfast from the pot your mom had left you. The soft tweeting of birds outside calmed you as you started to open your computer. To kill time, you decided to watch a few videos and before you knew it, the afternoon had come.

"When did mom say this person was coming?" You spoke aloud as you looked at the time. As if on cue, the doorbell had rung. You weren't too used to visitors. Even if you had expected someone that day, the doorbell would still spook you to no extent. Cautiously, you approached the door and saw a tall figure outside. A woman's voice was heard through the other side.

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