Love Hurts Pt. 2

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Running through the forest, you panted as you knew you were being chased. Your hand burned as you clutched the very thing you risked your life to get. A silent scream escaped your mouth as you swiftly moved through the thicket. The item belonged to your rival, your brother, your best friend, the only one who mattered at the time. 'It's all my fault' A voice in your head told you. Now, he's gone and you feel responsible. He? Who was he? Who was gone? Who's memories were these?

Soon, your pursuers had caught up to you. The words they spoke were inaudible as you clutched at the cold hilt of your sword. A steady breath had come out and your mouth moved but no sound had come out. In the blink of an eye, all that was surrounding you had fallen to the ground. All of them were groaning and motionless as you fled the scene. You wanted to collapse. You wanted everything to go away. So why? Why were you running from the people that could end your misery?

Coming towards the vast ocean, you stopped as the cold air lashed at your throat. Your lungs were burning as you placed your hands on your knees. There was nowhere to go from here. It was a dead end. Turning your head to look back at the dark forest, you sensed no movement and looked towards the docks. There, you saw your bright moment. Silent as the wind, you hopped on board and hid amongst the crates. Waiting without a sound, you heard shuffling on the deck and finally, the ship had started to move. Filled with despair and grief, the ship's movements lulled you to close your eyes. Still, with the item in your hand, your vision went black.

"Well, well, look what we have here. A stowaway?" A gruff voice shook you from your slumber as a pair of heels clicked your way.

"From Inazuma?" This other voice was female but just as rough. "Hey, kid. Can you hear me?" Slowly, you looked up at the woman. You couldn't make out any of their faces. They had kept fading in and out as you stood up. Again, your mouth moved as you explained your situation, but no words had been heard.

"I see. Welcome aboard the *****. I'm ******, the captain of this ship. Welcome to the **** *****." All the important details were inaudible as you just nodded. There was no way these are your memories, aren't they? You sat on the edge of the ship as a big, bright full moon glittered upon the ocean. You gazed sadly at your homeland as you clutched the item even tighter. A heavy feeling filled your heart as you shut your eyes tightly. Then, you heard it.


. . .

Slowly, your eyes opened and you were greeted with an unfamiliar white ceiling. Carefully, you looked around the room. A window was letting in the evening sun as everything was still. It seemed like you were in a hospital. The beds weren't the most comfortable and you tried to remember why you were here. Ah yes, you remember now. The last time you were conscious, Dion and Kazuha were sparring. You assumed you had passed out due to blood loss. Closing your eyes to adjust them to the light, you felt the dull pain in your shoulders.

"(Y/N)? Are you awake? Oh my- Get the doctor!" Your mom's worried voice fills your ears as you look at her. She helps prop you to sit up with the help of your pillow. You sit there as she looks at you with tears welling up in her eyes. "I was so worried about you! Kazuha had told me you were injured during a sparring session. I had immediately come home and you were losing a lot of blood. The doctors stitched your cuts." As your mom finished explaining, a girl looking in her 20's had come in with your dad and Kazuha trailing behind. For now, you ignored the stares coming from the boy as the doctor smiled sweetly at you.

"Hi, (Y/N). My name is Dr. Caitlynn Lee, you can call me Dr. Lee. I'm here to talk to you about your injuries today. How are you feeling?" Passing a clipboard to the doctor, a nurse had rushed in.

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